chapter 6

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The next day~

Taehyung was laying on his bed sick cuz he took shower till the mid night. He picked up his phone from the night stand and dialed a number. 


Taehyung : (choughs) hey y/n , I won't be able to (cough) pick u up for school today (cough) I am so sorry.

Y/n : taehyung ? Why are u coughing ?? What happened ?

Taehyung : oh it's just a fever nothing more don't worry about me y/n.

Y/n : ah.. get well soon taehyung .. have u taken ur meds ?

Taehyung : (cough) no .. I don't have them .. and there is no one home ..

Y/n : ah wait let me bring them for u

Taehyung : you don't have to y/n (cough)

Y/n : but I want to .. wait for me okay .

Taehyung : but u will be (cough) late for ur school (cough)

Y/n : don't worry about it .

Taehyung lets out a heavy breath in refile after ending the call "now let's see how you get y/n now ,kookie " smirking he went and laid on his bed.

With y/n~ 

She ended her call and dressed up into a normal hoodie and jeans and went to the pharmacy to collect the meds for fever and went to Taehyung's house. 

  She rings the bell and waits for someone to open the door , but on one opened it . So she just grabbed the knob and turned it around and to her surprise it was opened. 'how careless' 

she thought and went inside not forgetting to lock the door . She walked around the house searching for taehyung. She found him sleeping peacefully on his bed. 

She went to his side and checked his temperature by her hand , he indeed was burning.  She quickly went and grabbed a towel and tub from the bathroom , making the towel wet she placed it on his forehead. 

she kept doing that until the temperature was a bit low. She sat of the couch near the bed and started scrolling through her phone when something hit her ' Taehyung said yesterday that he was called by his mom' 

she looks at taehyung who was sleeping peacefully 'what are u hiding taehyung?' she thought and started walking towards the kitchen to make some prodigies.  

After 30 min ~

Taehyung rubbed his eyes adjusting to the light , looking around he found a bag of meds on the table 'y/n's here' saying that he stood up and made his way downstairs. 

As he was in living room he heard some noise coming from the kitchen 'maybe y/n is in the kitchen' 

As he entered the kitchen he saw y/n trying to cook something so he went behind her without letting her know and back hugged her placing his chin of her shoulders. " tae.." 

"hmm.." he hummed as he closed his eyes. "w-what are u doing ?" y/n asked as her hands were shaking a lil cuz she didn't felt comfortable at all "just hugging my girl " he said tightening the grip.

'umm...the food is done , can u set the plates on the table?" Y/n asked taehyung as she felt uncomfortable. 

Taehyung pouted and nodded placing the two plates opposite to each other. Y/n brought the bowl of produgie and they sat down. 

She served Taehyung and herself and they started eating. 

After 2 hours~

"Taehyung I think I should get going .. I have to call Lisa and ask her to bring my assignments home so that I can do them" y/n said checking the time.

"Ah.. I understand .. have a safe trip home y/n" taehyung said as y/n left..

As soon as she left he quickly got his phone and called somebody."hey .. I have got a work for u" he said with a smirk.

Jungkook pov~

He has been looking for y/n all round the school but never found her.

He was now waiting for y/n to come out of the school building as he was leaning against the wall ..

He carefully looked at the students coming towards the gate not wanting to miss the chance of talking to y/n.

Time passed by and almost all the students were out but there was still no sign of y/n ."waiting for y/n?? She won't come"



That's all for this chapter
I hope you like and enjoyed it as much as I enjoy writing it !!

Thank you to reading this chapter
shower this chapter with comments and votes if u think it deserves it

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instagram id: An_shu501

purple heart everyone of u !! I will take my leave now
bug out !!


1st spoiler , first take:
Y/n : taehyung ? Why are u coughing ?? What happened ?

Taehyung : I got corona 
y/n : the hell !! I need to do my test too !! 
taehyung : I was just kidding 
A/n : yeah this show is a joke to everyone. even corona is a joke 

2nd spoiler , first take:
Taehyung lets out a heavy breath in refile after ending the call "now let's see how you get y/n now ,kookie " smirking he went and laid on his bed. 
Jungkook : like this ( carries y/n and runs away )
A/n & Tae : the hell !!
A/n : You shit head better bring y/n right now or I am going to be the death of u !!!

3rd spoiler , first take:

She went to his side and checked his temperature by her hand  y/n : he is hot 
taehyung : (gets up ) I know  ( running his hand through his hair) 
A/n : ahh LOBELY BOY , YOU ARE HERE FOR ME TO KILL YOU ( pointing the script at him) 

4th spoiler , first take:

"w-what are u doing ?" y/n asked as her hands were shaking a lil cuz she didn't felt comfortable at all "just hugging my girl " he said tightening the grip. 

[ back stage ] four boys holding jungkook while one covering his mouth.
A/n : I ain't letting you go and interrupt this time. 

 5th spoiler , first take:

"waiting for y/n?? She won't come" jungkook : what are you ? God ?
???: no ?
jungkook : good now I don't trust god , you wish me to trust you ?
???? : I-
jungkook : move on man , I am waiting for y/n . 

words : 1098

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