I n T h e W i n g s

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Waiting in the wings was scary. Watching the dances that go on before you make it even more nerve-wracking, which was why Abby advised people not to do it. But Brady was a curious guy and wanted to know what he was up against and how he could beat it. So far he saw: 2 girls bobble their turns, some dude land weirdly on his firebird but the girl he was currently watching was damn good and he didn't know if he could beat her. 

Brady should have been practicing his routine, he knew that, he knew that the middle part of his dance got muddled in his head and he needed to run it again, but it was too late now. He was just about to go on and the girl on the stage currently was practically perfect and it was, for lack of a better word, scary.

|| So I'm just about to go on for my solo and I'm watching to see who's dancing before me, and she's REALLY GOOD! I don't know if I can beat her? || - Brady Farrar

|| I'm watching Brady slightly freak out in the wings before his solo, and he looks spooked because of the girl on stage but I know whatever I say to him will just work him up more || - Amelia Hatchet

Apparently, GiaNina did not have the same qualms as Amelia did when it came to speaking to Brady as she confidently strutted up to him and announced, quite loudly, "C'mon Brady! What're you freaking out about? You are the best dancer you have nothing to worry about! You HAVE to win today and prove that the Abby Lee Dance Company is back and better than ever! Okay?"

Brady just let own a small noise one could class as a squeak and shook his legs out, feeling even more unprepared than ever. Just as he was about to start running through his dance he heard the emcee over the sound system, "Next up we have Number 33: Straight Back Down, from the Abby Lee Dance Company!" 

The crowd yelled out as he made his way to center stage and laid down on his side.

                                                              (Start at 0:18, end at 1:59)

While Brady was dancing Tricia noticed that Brady was just walking in circles instead of dancing and immediately knew he had forgotten the dance. Pity ran through her heart she turned to Michelle, who was sitting next to her and whispered, "That's not his dance! That is not his dance! Oh my god, he's forgotten it!" 

|| As we're watching Brady dance I looking, waiting to see if he'll mess up the same part again. So I'm watching, and we get to the part and HE FOGETS IT! Not only that but a few seconds later he gets this deer in the headlights expression! || - Abby Lee Miller

Michelle was very comforting saying she hadn't noticed until Brady just... stopped dancing with this look of terror on his face, a dead giveaway he'd forgotten. There was no saving him at this point, almost no point in trying. Especially when Abby turned to Tricia and whispered yelled, "What the hell was that!" She just pretended that she hadn't seen nor heard Abby and focus back on her kid who was walking off the stage with a defeated look on his face, it hurt Tricia as a mom.

|| I just know Brady is kicking himself for forgetting his dance but there is nothing I can do, and that hurts || - Tricia Farrar

|| I know it sucks that Brady mucked up his routine but as a competitor I think that this is really good for Hannah, I mean one less kid to compete against right? ||  || I mean, yeah I guess, but I feel really bad for him || - Ann & Hannah Colin

It was obvious to everyone in the wings that Brady wouldn't win, heck he probably wouldn't place. His team rushed over to him, to give him some kind of reassurance that Abby won't bite his head off for forgetting, all lying through their teeth, all except Max. 

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