F i r s t P y r a m i d M a y b e ?

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Amelia stood next to Max while the rest of the team gave them a bit of distance, and stood ready to be criticized for their nationals, while one of them (probably Brady or Lilli) would be praised. But one look at the mirror and they knew something was happening. The spot where the pyramid would usually stand was empty, devote of of head shots. "I started the pyramid to track your child's successes, but after the last competition their was no successes, so no pyramid, lucky you!" Abby had a look on her face that could only be described as livid, her first nationals back was a bust, so it was back to the drawing board. "Or, not so lucky. Because of all of your children's shortcomings," Anne went to interrupt, "KEEP THE MOUTH CLOSED, ANNE! I have brought in two exceptional dancers, Amelia Hatchet and Max Fevoro!" She made a come hither motion to the two new students. Shakily, they walked up taking deep breaths.

"Tell them about yourselves" Was the only thing the dance teacher told them, "As Ms.Abby said I'm Max, I'm fourteen and I like dancing with this goofball." With that he motioned to his friend, who in turn put on her brave face, "And I'm Amelia, I'm thirteen and I've been dancing with Max since I was five." On the outside they appeared very calm and cool, but their brains were scattered and their stomachs had elephants stomping around, the same applied for Abby's original team, they had seem them turn. "Treat them with respect, and mothers?" The mothers, bar Sandy, nodded wanting to know what she needed, "Don't scare theses ones away, I like 'em," with that both Max and Amelia gave each other mental high fives, it was hard to impress Ms.Abby so this was a massive achievement. She shooed the children  back into line and went to announce dances.

 "Now this week we are going to Nuvo, in Milton, Delaware. We have one duet and a group dance, the group dance is to a spoken word piece entitled, 'To this day', now this is about bullying. Now I only need one boy for this group dance so I'll be swapping Max and Brady out and see who has better facials and chemistry, okay? Now the duet goes to," Every dancer held their breath, I mean if you get the duet you could really impress Abby and get back into her good books, "Max and Amelia! Now I've heard that you two do spectacular duets so I want that, I want the chemistry, I want to see it, okay? You guys are doing a duet called, 'Trust' it's contemporary, you guys need to tell the story, got it?" The two aforementioned teens excitedly  nodded, quick to attempt to impress their newest dance teacher.

|| I'm really excited to show Abby what we do best!|| ||Yeah maybe if we do well, she'll give us more!|| - Max Fevoro and Amelia Hatchet

|| I don't know who these new kids think they are, but that duet should've been given to someone else, like my little Gia|| - Joanne Paolantonio

As the mothers left the room, Abby got serious. "We are coming off a loss, and I don't want another one, clear?" The children stood there nodding, scared that if they said the wrong thing she would snap. The air in the room was tense, and the children knew that with all the tension something would blow soon. "Okay, we're starting with the group dance! It's contemporary, it's serious, it's about bullying so you have to act. Amelia you and one of the boys will take the lead, got it? Let's start!"

|| I'm really nervous about the group, because Abby gave me the lead and I don't know what will happen if we don't win|| - Amelia Hatchet

|| I think it's stupid that Brady has to audition to dance with HIS team, it doesn't make sense! These kids walk in and they get a duet and possibly both leads in the group dance? It's ridiculous|| - Tricia Farrar

|| I hope these new kids will make my elite team realize that they are kids that are just as good, if not better than them and that I can replace them. Easily|| - Abby Lee Miller

Remember that tension from earlier? It was about to explode.

I know that it short and was an awkward place to stop a chapter, but I want the next chapter to focus on the Mama Drama, so that'll be fun. Also anything in bold is the interviews, and who said it. Please give my constructive criticism so I can improve my writing because I know it's not perfect and I want make it enjoyable for you to read.

Peace out Girl (and other) scouts,


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