F i r s t D a y

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Sat in a car were two best friends, Amelia and Max, who were on their way to the Abby Lee Dance Company, their new studio. It felt funny for them to say that, THEIR studio. Of course, it would feel weird for any teen to be pushed into the spotlight, and international TV. But that's not why they danced, no they danced because they loved it, they loved the way it made them feel but most of all, they loved it brought them together. You see without dance the two would never have met, they were total opposites. On their first day of dance little Max saw a small child sitting off to the side, twiddling her thumbs, so being the overly excited six year old he was he rushed over to the five year old and that's how they became friends.

 An overly cheery boy and a quiet girl, it's like they never changed.

"Now if anything happens that you don't like..." Amelia's mother, Sandy started, "We immediately go to you!" The two finished off, they had heard this talk about a million times since they had gotten the phone call telling them that they gotten on the show. Amelia and Max knew that she was just being protective of the children but it grew old fast. Sandy continued her speech, knowing full well that the kids were mocking her, "Now Max, since your mom's working you are under my care, so remember my rule: You look after my baby, I look after you." At first that rule may seem odd but ever since Sandy's husband had left her, Amelia was the only one she had left, and she'd be damned if anything happened to her.

Soon after they reached their destination, the sign spoke to the teens, it's bright colours drawing them close. When they snapped out of the daze they were in a started their walk to the studio. One with a bit of pep in his step the other, not so much. Anxious thoughts bounced around in the young girls head, with them came 'The look'. 'The look'  was something Max was very familiar with: from the twisted lips, the darting eyes, the twitch in her nose and most noticeably the cracking knuckles. Max knew if he didn't do something soon they wouldn't make it to the ALDC, (because Amelia would've   a) thrown up or   b) run away) so with an odd calmness in his voice he spoke with care, "Hey, look at me A, look at me, you're okay, everything's okay. We are going to be fine. You are going to be fine. I am going to be fine. We are going to rock the ALDC, trust me." He didn't need to add the last bit, Amelia trusts Max so much that words couldn't describe, and he knew this, he also knew that as soon as he broke that trust, he would never gain it back. So for now he held onto it tight.

As soon as they stepped into the studio, they were bombarded with cameras, it was like a sea of them. The next few minutes were a blur to the two of them, signing a paper, getting changed, having two random ladies doing 'touch ups' on their faces. When the two teens arrived at the door a PA whispered to go into the studio and start warming up and dancing, this seemed odd to them seeing as no one else, not even Abby was there, but they went along with it. As they entered the room they felt at home, this is where they belonged. They took time to fully stretch and process everything. They soon fell into a turning competition and boy did they turn.

As the rest of the team and their mothers walked into Studio A, they were shocked, with good reason, they walked into what they thought was a normal pyramid to find two kids turning, counting out loud and a woman sitting at the back watching them. "30... 31... 32...33" Amelia hadn't noticed the people entering the room, she was focused on beating Max, if she lost she would never hear the end of it, whilst Max noticed and a smirk made it's way onto his face, and he dropped without saying the code word, "45... 46...47..." Then she heard it, maybe it was because the room had gone oddly silent or maybe the motorised wheelchair was really that loud, but that's what broke her out off her daze. Well that and the thunderous clapping and Abby screaming at them, "Don't just stand there! Get in, move it! Move it!" Amelia instantly pulled her fouettes into pirouettes and landed with grace. This is it ,she thought, moment of truth.

Well I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my book, it was fun to write. I really like Amelia as a character and am excited to write for her, Max and the rest off the season eight cast!

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