S u r p r i s e V i s i t o r

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"So, how do you think pyramid's gonna go?" Sandy asked the kids as she was driving them to dance. Sandy wasn't nervous that her kids would be low on the pyramid, it was actually the opposite, she was worried that the moms would pick a fight about them because of that. She saw that Amelia was getting more comfortable with Brady and Sarah, and Sandy didn't want her relationships with the moms to get in the way of that.

Max and Amelia already knew the moms would pick a fight about pyramid, it happened every week without fault. But they didn't get a chance to answer as they were already pulling up into the ALDC parking lot, ready for another week of constant yelling.

Entering the dance studio they noticed that they were the last people there and everyone was already talking and stretching. Max went to walk over to Brady, who was talking to GiaNina and Lilli, but Amelia quickly grabbed his arm to stop him. The boy turned to his friend with a confused look on his face, to which Amelia immediately caught, "What? I don't wanna interrupt him! Plus, when was the last time we stretched together?" Amelia also didn't want to go sit with a girl that seemed to hate her, but Max didn't need to be told that.

Max instantly knew the real reason that Amelia was apprehensive about sitting with them, so he sat the two of them down in the corner that was away from Hannah, Pressley and Sarah. And they started their stretch routine that they started doing when they were eight years old. It felt just like it used to at their old dance studio, the two of them against the world.

The other kids were quick to notice that Max and Amelia didn't sit with any of them, which caused Gia to scoff. Brady' head turned to Gia as he asked, "What is your problem with them?" The girl was taken aback by this. Sure, it wasn't like Brady was yelling at her but she didn't appreciate his tone.

"My problem? They're the ones that just waltzed in here and got everything handed to them! And they didn't even care enough to put in the effort to get to know us!" Brady and Gia continued to whisper fight while Lilli, who was stuck in the middle of it, decided that she was sick of it and went over to join Max and Amelia. Who were both shocked at her presence.

It was five minutes of stretching before Abby came in. Which for Brady and Gia was five minutes of arguing with each other about the new team members. For Sarah, Pressley and Hannah, it was five minutes of finding the funniest TikTok's they could to try and make the others laugh. And for Lilli, Amelia and Max it meant five minutes of getting to know each other and Lilli informing them of the quiet fight that Brady and Gia were having.

When Abby did roll in, the kids immediately shut up, mostly in fear, and looked up to face her. The woman just rolled her eyes and powered forward into the studio, shouting behind her, "Get your moms, now! PYRAMID!" The kids quickly rushed to get their moms, so they wouldn't upset Abby even more.

|| At this point why even do pyramid? I mean, we all know how it's gonna go! It's just to feed Abby' ego at this point! || Joanne Paolantonio

When all the moms and their children got into the room, Abby was already there and she was pissed! You could see that from a mile away, her face was red and it was a surprise she wasn't shaking with rage! Nobody was willing to make eye contact with her, in case that would be the tipping point.

|| Abby is a scary woman, but right now it's like ten times worse! || - Brady Farrar

|| I've seen Miss Abby on the television, screaming at everybody but in real life when you're in the room, it's a completely different experience! || - Amelia Hatchet

"WHAT HAPPENED LAST WEEKEND? IT WAS EMBARRASSING! I CAN'T STAND TO THINK THAT PEOPLE WITH ATTRIBUTE THAT GROUP DANCE WITH THE ALDC! IT'S SHOCKING!" If the kids didn't know that Abby wasn't happy with how the competition went before, they sure as hell did now! Even Amelia, who wasn't even in the group dance, was trying to hide her body behind Max, totally terrified at Abby' behavior.

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