L e t ' s G e t S t a r t e d

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Recently, Amelia learned that returning after a big win was the most challenging part about being with the ALDC. This might sound strange, but it was a hundred percent true. And it was all because of Abby. Abby could turn the greatest success into the biggest failure, all because of pyramid. Why they even did pyramid was a mystery! But god, was it annoying! Everyone tried to ignore the best they could and try to forget about when they could, but sometimes it was all they could think about.

"What do you think Abby' gonna say?" It was clear that Amelia was a little jittery. Well, a little was an understatement. Amelia was bouncing off the walls. But, for once, Brady couldn't get her to shut up! And he was loving it! He felt like she trusted him! It was a major success for their friendship. He couldn't stop staring at Amelia in amusement; never once had he heard her talk this much, "Because I feel like I did really well, but you never know with Abby, you know? I just really want her to see that I'm really talented!"

Brady could only stare at her and smile, pure joy radiating off him, just being happy. In that moment Brady was just at total peace. But to Amelia, Brady was staring at her face. A little creepy. "Do I have someone on my face?" Her hands immediately travelled upwards, making rapid wiping motions once they reached her face, "Thanks for telling me! That would have been so embarrassing!" Brady just smiled at her once again, fully content in Amelia's presence.

Max, on the other hand, was less than content. Standing almost directly across from Amelia and Brady, Max was surrounded by the other girls but couldn't help but feel lonely, which had never happened before. Max was always the one who was fine being on his own, it was Amelia who needed to be with someone familiar, and that someone was Max. He wasn't jealous by any means! He wasn't! He was just concerned about Amelia and if she was truly as comfortable as she looked. Max just shook it off as worry about his friend.

Once they were all called into the rehearsal studio, the natural order was restored, Amelia sandwiched between Max and Brady, standing marginally closer to Max. Everyone stood still for a moment, wondering what was going to happen when Abby rolled through the doors. The peaceful bubble that they had been living in since last week would burst and they would go back to rehearsals filled with yelling and tears. Everyone was holding their breath, waiting for Abby to come in. No one was more nervous than Lilli.

Sure, all the kids welcomed her back with open arms, but everyone knew that Abby was not as forgiving. It was also clear that some of the moms still held a grudge, namely Ashley and Sandy. Sandy because of prior instances but for Ashley the pain ran deeper. At one point, Ashley had considered Stacey a close friend, but since the season had started, she had become almost unrecognisable.

When Abby did roll into the room, five minutes late, it was clear she was not happy, and her expression further darkened when she saw that both Stacey and Lilli were here. Typically this would be enough reason for Abby to begin yelling, but this time she appeared to keep her composure. Her eyes scanned the room, just long enough to make everyone nervous before she began, "So last week was, interesting to say the least. There were high points and low points," Abby locked eyes with Stacey, "But right now I don't want to argue with anyone so lets start pyramid,"

|| That was not normal, Abby never misses a chance to yell at someone! || - Michelle Georgiana

|| Maybe Abby just wants to put the past behind her! || - Lilliana Ketchman

Ripping off the paper for the first headshot, no one was surprised by who it was, "Lilli! I think it's incredibly obvious why you're at the bottom of the pyramid," Abby glared at Stacey, but the woman knew not to push further with Abby, knowing it would not help her at all! Seeing that Stacey was not going to argue with her, Abby continued, "Next to Lilli we have Hannah! Now Hannah, you placed fourth last week, but the reason you're at the very bottom is your mother had problems with your choreo. She thinks I'm not pushing you enough! I think that if I give you harder choreography, that your mother will think that I'm setting you up!" Ann just rolled her eyes, pissed that her child was getting a lecture for no apparent reason.

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