W e E a r n T h i n g s !

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Walking into the dance studio, Max and Amelia were shaking with excitement, they didn't know where they'd be on the pyramid but they hoped it would be good. As they entered the Dancers Den, they saw Brady talking to Hannah and decided to join them because they honestly wanted to branch out more. Well Max wanted to branch out.

As they approached Brady' back was facing them so Amelia decided to start mimicking him. Like the mature teen she was. "You know I just realised, the real reason people say, 'Hold your horses' is because they're telling you to be stable! The more you..." He paused, noticing Hannah was looking behind him and laughing and he knew why, "Amelia, I know you're behind me," The smile on her face grew.  After the competition bus ride home, where she fell asleep on Brady, the three of them had spent their off day together and now Amelia felt at ease with him.

Sooner than later the four of them were talking and stretching, without really noticing that the other girls had entered the room and were watching them. Then Abby yelled loudly. Incredibly loudly. Everyone quickly made their way into the studio where pyramid would be held, and they all prayed that it went semi-smoothly. Because that was really the best that could happen.

Abby rolled into the room, her cold, calculating, eyes scanning over the parent-child duos until her lips quirked up into the smallest smile. When they saw this everyone in the room visibly relaxed, most of the tension in their bodies were released. Almost as quickly as it appeared the smile disappeared and she got down to business, "We won, yay!" She stated almost sarcastically, "But it wasn't great. I saw a lot division between you guys and while that worked for that group dance but you guys need to accept Max and Amelia because they are here to stay, got it?" Her eyes scanned over the group locking eyes with certain mothers, namely Joanne, Stacey and Anne. 

"Moving on to pyramid!" Everyone's (least) favorite part of filming, but it had to be done. "First on the pyramid, GiaNina!" Joanne's mouth dropped open in shock, her Gia should not be on he bottom of the pyramid, ever! "Now Gia, you messed up with the chair and it was noticeable, very noticeable!"  

|| I messed up with a chair! It was small and I fixed it! Get over it! || - GiaNina Paolantonio 

Abby took a deep breath, "But moreover your mother was a pain in my backside all week! You need to reign her in or this is where you'll stay!" GiaNina stood there pouting whilst Joanne rolled her eyes but chose not to speak up willing to shut her mouth if it meant Gia got ahead.

Everyone held their breath waiting to see who would fall victim to the next verbal lashing, "Next on the pyramid is," Abby dramatically pulled off the white piece of paper covering the head shot, "Hannah! Now did you do anything wrong? No, but did you pull my attention in any way, shape or form? Absolutely not! Hannah you are thirteen! Start dancing like it!" Tears started to well in Hannah's eyes while she tried to play it off as not caring.

|| There's a way you say things, especially as an educator, and that was the worst way to say that. It's not okay! || -  Ann Colin

Ann was sick and tired of people walking over her and Hannah so for once she spoke up and she spoke loud, "Abby! Hannah is talented! She does what you tell her! You want her to get better? Work with her! She deserves your attention! Because right now, you give her nothing, so you get nothing!" Eyes widened, everyone including Hannah, turned to Ann in shock, no one spoke to Abby like that. Ever.

Abby took a deep breath and answered in a measured voice, "If she wants my attention she can earn because in this studio, we don't just deserve things, we work for them and we earn them, does everybody get that!?" Looking around the room everyone was nodding their head except Ann who just rolled her eyes and made a face. "Moving on! Lilli, you were decent in the number but in the dressing room you were incredibly disrespectful to both Amelia and Max, they are now apart of the family and will be treated as such. Watch the mouth!" Abby had stern face and narrowed her eyes at Lilli and Stacey.

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