W o r k i n g T o g e t h e r

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To say that the moms were stressed would be an understatement. To put it lightly, they were absolutely freaking out! Abby, in her infinite generosity, had given the moms ten minutes to prepare for their first duet rehearsal. All of the moms were spread into four different rehearsal rooms however, they were all experiencing very similar emotions. Panic. And more panic.

|| This is insane! Who does Abby think she is? This is crazy! || - Ann Colin

"Okay, Ann, we need a game plan," As the smooth jazz music filled the air, it was clear that neither Joanne nor Ann were confident. Ann was fidgeting with just about everything: her ring, her bracelet, hell, even her hair! And Joanne's eyes couldn't stay still, constantly shifting from one place to another, trying to appear calm. It was true though, they did need a game plan, otherwise they were simply proving Abby right. And that was the last thing they needed.

Ann took in a slow, deep breath, taking a moment to collect her thoughts, "I think we need to keep it simple," Joanne's eyes went wide! Was this the same Ann who yelled at Abby because Hannah wasn't getting harder choreography? As Ann continued, it became clear what Ann's plan was, "Abby wants us to try and jam pack this routine so our daughters fail, because if that happens, she's right. If we make the routine simple, but effective, I think we let our daughters shine rather than the choreo," It was a smart idea. No one could deny that.

|| If Abby thinks that this will prove to us that we need her, she's dead wrong! Nobody knows their children's abilities better than their own mothers! || - Joanne Paolintino

Joanne's smile grew tenfold as she added on, "Which also means we have to do less work!" She let out a little laugh as she realised this. Joanne took Ann's hand and dragged her to the middle of the room, "Okay, so if we start them here, on the clicks they can hit a different pose each time," The two began devising quickly, knowing that they were running out of time until their children entered the room.

|| Joanne and I make a really good team! We're bouncing ideas off each other and we both know that we have to win so that we can prove Abby wrong! || - Ann Colin

The two woman were smiling and giggling, until the door opened and in walked in GiaNina and Hannah. Both girls looked nervous, they knew that their moms weren't choreographers, but they had been around dance enough to at least pick something up, right? They gave their moms nervous smiles, as if to reassure them, but really they came off more as grimaces. Ann was the one to break the ice, "So are we ready to get to work?" When no one responded, she continued, "So, Joanne and I were thinking," As she went on to explain the ideas that her and Joanne had, it was clear that neither girl was particularly enthused. It was jazz, and even worse, it was low energy jazz.

|| I know my moms trying her best! It's just not what I want to be doing for a duet! || - Hannah Colin

|| I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't this! || - GiaNina Paolintino

The united front that the older women presented was quickly crumbling, as more and more time went on it was clear the Joanne was trying to make sure that Gia was showcased more than Hannah. Whether it was making sure Gia was slightly in front of Hannah the entire time or asking just Gia what she thought of the choreo, Joanne was doing anything to make sure Gia stood out! And Ann was getting a little sick of it!

|| I get that she wants to make sure this is a good dance for Gia, but Hannah is also in the dance! And she deserves to be featured just as much! || - Ann Colin

Though Ann kept her mouth shut, everyone could tell she was upset. Her pursed lips were the most obvious tell, keeping her lips closed but glaring daggers into Joanne's back. Ann was trying her best to stick to the plan, but Joanne made it difficult! Every two seconds Joanne wanted to change the choreo that they had come up with because Gia was pouting, and it was driving Ann wild!

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