P a t h e t i c

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Competing in her home state was terrifying to Hannah but if anything Ann was more nervous. She was running around the dressing room looking lipstick that she swore she put in her makeup kit but now couldn't find, quietly mumbling about being the town joke or something. Abby of course spoke up, "Ann, what the hell are you doing?" It was a legitimate question, if you hadn't known Ann and how frazzled she could get. But Abby knew Ann.

Confused by the question Ann replied meekly, "Getting Hannah ready for her solo?" The way she said it made it sound like a question, which it well and truly could have been. For a split second Ann stopped moving and looked towards Abby, then her and back to Abby quizzically. A smug smile appeared on Abby's face before it was replaced with a scowl, and she blinked very, very slowly.

|| This mother thinks that she can come into my studio, cuss up a storm and not have any punishments? YEAH RIGHT!|| - Abby Lee Miller

"Well, what makes you so sure she still has a solo?" It was the question that every mother dreaded. The air in the dressing room became tense, everyone was still. It was silent for a moment. You could hear the bobby pin fall to the ground out of Ann's hand. Hannah's eyes flew to the floor as Max and Amelia went over to comfort her because she didn't do anything wrong.

"Because you never said that she didn't?" Ann quietly questioned, praying she didn't say something to make the situation somehow worse. Soon, all the girls had gathered around Hannah as she silently cried, trying to not to make herself known, but failing greatly.

|| I didn't do anything to make Abby take MY solo away, it was my mom! Sometimes it feels like she the one who actually doesn't want me to dance || - Hannah Colin

|| I don't think it's fair that Hannah is getting her solo taken from her because her mom doesn't like me, it just doesn't seem right to me || - Amelia Hatchet

Once Abby saw the tears streaming down Hannah's face, she was done! "ANN! Look at YOUR DAUGHTER! She's 13 and she's crying over a solo! THAT'S PATHETIC!" Abby let a grunt of frustration and stared intensely into Ann's eyes, seeing the rage building up.

|| Calling a child pathetic is low. Even for Abby || - Michelle Georgiana

Ann was done with it. She was done with Abby hating her. She was done with her yelling at Hannah. And she was really done with none of the other mothers sticking up for her. She couldn't take it anymore, she snapped. "You know what's pathetic Abby? Yelling at a 13 year old little girl to make yourself feel better! That's what's pathetic! Not my child having emotions!" She finally snapped, it was a long time coming.

|| Oh god, this is not going to end well || - Tricia Farrar

No one, not even Ann, knew that when she snapped she would snap this hard, "And one the topic of pathetic people," Ann turned with great flair to the other moms, "I'm am sick of all of you letting my child get treated like trash, just so she won't treat your kids like that! Can't you see what that evil woman is doing? She's gonna replace our kids! Tricia," She turned to the woman in question looking between her and her kid, "Don't you think he's next? He's gone home once, whose to say she won't do again?"

Brady looked towards the ground at the mention of being sent home again, he hated it the first time, a second time could only be worse. Amelia, seeing the reaction to the hateful words Ann was spewing, interlocked her and Brady' hands, hoping it would make him feel better. (It did). (A lot). 

Ann went on for another 10 minutes just yelling, and screaming and berating everyone in the dressing room, paying special attention to both Abby and Sandy, until someone finally had enough.

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