F a m i l y T a l k s ( a n d M a x )

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Amelia and Max had survived their first day at the ALDC, and it was easier than they expected, especially considering the way Abby yelled at everyone else. They knew that they were in a honeymoon phase with Ms Abby and to be candid, they were fine with it. They just needed it to stay exactly like that, so no losses and no back talking, and Amelia made sure her mother knew this. 

"If she yells at us it's to make us better dancers not because she hates us, so stay upstairs unless she calls you down, got it?" Amelia sassed, really their were two people she would talk to like this: her mom and Max. Maybe while she was here she would get better at making friends but she was always too much of one thing and not enough of something else, that and she was almost never at school maybe showing up one or twice a week but other than that she was at dance or travelling for dance. Dance was her life and by association her mothers.

"You know I'm the parent right?" Sandy was immensely proud of Amelia, and Max, but she knew when it came down to it she would protect her babies, it was her job. She didn't care if Abby was only trying to make them better, if she saw even one tear go down either child's face she would blow. She knew Amelia and Max knew this too. While some of the mothers (Stacey and Joanne) got under her skin she would stay up there until she felt she needed to come done, and she would try to not kill any of them. But she couldn't promise the same if they kept talking about the kids she looked after as if they didn't have feelings.  Especially Amelia.

Amelia had an incredibly large fear of failure. Well not exactly failure, it was the thought that failure meant that she would disappoint people, she couldn't stand disappointing people, she just couldn't. "Whatever those mothers say about you two know that none of the negative BS is true, okay?" That was more directed towards Amelia because for some reason Max thrived off of proving people wrong, it was a blessing and a curse.

They nodded, "So you deal with the mothers and we'll focus on Abby?" Max knew that Abby could be mean, and that Amelia would want to be perfect for her, though he thought she wouldn't have to try to be perfect seeing as she already was

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They nodded, "So you deal with the mothers and we'll focus on Abby?" Max knew that Abby could be mean, and that Amelia would want to be perfect for her, though he thought she wouldn't have to try to be perfect seeing as she already was. But he was prepared to calm her down or if worse came to worse take some verbal lashings for her, because that's what friends did for each other.

Sandy smiled but shook her no, "No, you two focus on dance, and I'll deal with the adults, all of them." She corrected putting an emphasis on the last part of her sentence. While Sandy was an adult, she couldn't stand serious talks especially with her kid (and Max), so she decided to change the topic rather quickly, "So what's your duet about?" And with that the children began to babble and ramble about the story of the dance they had yet to learn, talking about it as if it was the Sistine chapel, and Sandy loved every second of it.

So this was a big filler, now I know I haven't really show the relationships between the other kids, and I'll try to do that next chapter, I promise! Also just realised Amelia is based off of me way more than I intended! Max is also based off of  ...

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So this was a big filler, now I know I haven't really show the relationships between the other kids, and I'll try to do that next chapter, I promise! Also just realised Amelia is based off of me way more than I intended! Max is also based off of  a combination my three brothers, so that's awesome!  Make sure you vote and comment so I know how you're liking the book so far! Anyway quick questions:

Now how did we feel about this chapter? 

Who's your favourite character so far?

What kind of dances do you think will happen?

Any predictions?

Peace out Girl (and other) Scouts!

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