F i g h t ! F i g h t ! F i g h t !

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The following day, and saying the kids were excited was an understatement. Yesterday's rehearsal was superb, and they hoped it would happen again. But lightning never strikes in the same spot twice, and anyone could feel the tension as they stepped into the building. Sarah, Brady, Max and Amelia had all arrived simultaneously, so they were having a friendly chat before they had to go to dance. Amelia laughed at Max, who had slipped over some ice, then she heard it.

The four kids heard her before they saw her. A high pitched, nasally voice that penetrated their ears and meant drama. And a lot of it. They all shared a look of fear and then made their way into the dance studio. All of their laughter drained was out of them.

|| This is not good. At all. || - Max Fevoro

|| Oh no! || - Amelia Hatchet

They entered the studio, which held both Abby and Cathy; they were thrust straight into an argument between the women. Abby and Cathy were going for blood in this argument. Insults were flying, comments about past actions were thrown at the other, critiques of dances were sandwiched in between all of that. Then Cathy saw the kids walk in, which started a whole new conversation.

"Oh! Look who's arrived! One talented dancer, one mediocre dancer, someone who looks like they can't tell their lefts from rights and Brady! How nice of you to join us!" Seeing as the moms were still in the parking lot chatting about who knows what, they couldn't step in to defend their kids. Which meant the kids had to do it themselves.

|| I've met this woman twice, and I'm sick of her. || || Well, it's not like she's trying to be particularly likable! || - Max Fevoro and Amelia Hatchet

Max was the first to speak up. Nobody got to talk to him like that. Nobody got to speak to his friends like that. "At least we don't need to try to get into someone's head to win a children's dance competition," At that, Amelia tried to stifle a giggle while Cathy gasped dramatically.

Cathy locked eyes with Max. It was intense, "How dare you speak to me like that? Do you not have manners? Who on God's green Earth raised you?!" Then Juliet entered. Call it dumb luck or a mothers intuition, but she seemed to enter the room at the perfect moment. And she was pissed.

|| Who the hell does this woman think she is coming to Abby' studio and making a fuss? Then yelling at my son, hell no! || - Juliet Fevoro

|| Double oh no! || - Amelia Hatchet

Juliet calmly cleared her throat, took a deep breath in and smiled. "Who the f**k gave you the right to speak to my child like that? You don't know him! You don't know me! In fact, you showed up here, uninvited!" Juliet yelled at the unsuspecting Cathy, "You do not get to come to our studio like you own it and harass my kid! The parents at your studio might let you treat their kids like that, but you best believe that I'm not about to let the slide!" Poor Cathy looked shocked that someone other than Abby was yelling at her like that, the next sentence Juliet delivered more calmly. Still, the tone of her voice filled it with just as much venom, "So, you can either check your attitude at the door, or you can GET. OUT." With that, she pointed towards the door and smirked.

Cathy' eyes widened. Whether it was from shock or fear was unclear. Still, she quickly regained her composure and sneered at the woman she had never met, "Judging by your manners, I can tell you raised that one," Juliet took a deep breath in, trying to control herself as Cathy turned to face Abby, "You really do let anyone through the doors now, don't you? So desperate." Cathy looked at the woman with fake pity.

Abby went to refute Cathy' claims, but Juliet beat her to it, "You know 'That One' has a name, right? I suggest you use it before I do something I regret," By now, the rest of the moms and kids had entered the room and had only heard Juliet threatening Cathy, and boy were they shocked! "As for Abby letting anyone in, I'll have you know that I'm the CEO of a company that I've built from the ground up, and I did that putting people like you in their place! So I'll repeat it, get the hell out!"

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