Chapter 19

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My eyes widened. My heart felt like it had flatlined. I made eye contact with Romulus. His smile faded to a scowl. He got up and left the dining room, and disappeared upstairs. I couldn't stop him.

"Thank you, and enjoy dinner." My dad had finally returned to his seat. I did as well.

I looked around for Romulus. I wanted to go and run after him. He thought Nadine was my girlfriend. He thought I kissed him, despite having a girlfriend. She was not my girlfriend. I needed to tell him that.

The chatter about me didn't stop. The room was filled with an uneasy tension.

"Are you okay?" Nadine asked.

"I'm fine. I will be fine."

I kept an eye out for Romulus. He didn't return. I was finishing up my food when my dad came over to speak with me.

"How's dinner? Sorry I couldn't sit by you, council stuff." My dad said.

"It's alright. Don't worry about it. I need to go talk to-."

I was cut off by Adolpha. She approached my father.

"Ulrich, we need to discuss some things. Please meet me upstairs." She said.

"We'll be right up. Come with, Erin." He said.

I felt nervous. I didn't know what they wanted with me. I was afraid they knew what we've been up to.

I was brought upstairs. Bayne and Dakota were upstairs. It was getting later. The meeting couldn't take long. Bayne sat improperly, with his legs kicked up on the table, leaning his chair back. Adolpha wore an expression of annoyance.

"Yes?" Said Ulrich.

"Some of the pack members are upset." Said Adolpha.

"And why is that?" My father crossed his arms.

"Your son is parading around on a college campus, leading a human life. Some of the other pack members are jealous."

"That's ridiculous. Why would they be angry about that? If this works, and we find a method to train younglings to controlling themselves, other new wolves can attempt to live a human life too."

"They've lied to their families. They've pretended to be dead. They're upset that the pack leader's son gets to waltz around and do whatever he wants without repercussions. It looks like favoritism, Ulrich." Adolpha gave me an icy glare.

"I am the strongest member this pack has ever seen. I have faith in my son, he will be the first. If he could be the first one to control it, many other younglings can. As for the pack, they were already imitated into this life. They should be hopeful for the future younglings."

"Some are also worried about the pack itself." Dakota spoke up. Bayne stayed quiet.

"If this becomes the new norm, and wolves maintain human like lives, what happens to the pack?" Asked Dakota.

"The pack is to band together as wolves. It's a safe haven where we can be who we are. The pack will always be here to support each other as brothers and sisters. Even if that means living human like lives. It will change, but the pack will always be here. Put these negative talks to an end. The pack will remain. Understood?"

Dakota nodded in agreement. Adolpha took longer to respond.

"Yes, Ulrich." She said.

"Bayne, how has my son been with his transformations?"

"Huh? Yeah. He's been fine. Still doesn't remember turning, but we're making progress." Bayne lied through his teeth.

"Great. Speaking of transformations, the moon is coming out shortly." Said my father. He adjourned the meeting. They began to leave.

"Erin, bring your girlfriend up here before it's too late."

I fetched Nadine and brought her upstairs. My father took her to one of the cabin bedrooms. It was small, like a dorm room. Two adjoining beds sat across from each other. My father dropped a key in her hand.

"Lock the door, just in case. Do not come outside under any circumstances. Some of the guys still have a hard time controlling themselves in wolf form."

"Don't worry, I'll stay inside. Thank you."

We left her in the room, hearing the secure click of the lock behind us. Everyone waited outside for the sun to disappear. I followed my dad outside.

"Are you ready, son?" He said, taking off his shirt.

"What?" I screeched.

"My apologizes. We usually strip down before changing. Ruins less clothes that way."

My dad's chest had hair, but was fitter than I expected for a man who was almost forty. The other men were just as fit, if not more. I wondered if vampires also became attractive after turning.

The moon rose, we all changed at the same time. I heard howls. I felt some control in my movements, but I was still a passenger in the vessel. I remember looking at Bayne. His fur was black. I don't know how I knew it was him, but I knew. His eyes were the same deep green they always were.

I was remembering more the next morning, but it was foggy. It was like being blackout drunk.

The next morning, Bayne wasted no time. He insisted we leave right away. It gave me no time to talk to Romulus. Nadine came out of her protective chambers, ready to go. Bayne drove.

"So what did you do to those witches?" I asked.

"Nothing. It was a long time ago. I hope they're over it by now."

Bayne drove into the woods for a while, before pulling into a house that was in the woods.

It wasn't anytging like the wolf lodge. It was white, with vines growing up it. Plants surrounded every inch of the house. The windows and porch were big.

We followed Bayne up to the door.

"Don't offend them." He grunted at us. He rang the door bell. The vibes crawled down, twisting the door handle and opened the door.

A man stood in front of us. He was dressed nicely, his hair slicked back. He was pale.
"Bayne? Haven't seen you around here in a while. You better not let her know you're here."

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