My parents got officially divorced yesterday, and I feel horrible. I thought that everything was okay, they didn't even argue at all. But I was wrong. They told us (me and my sister) about a month ago, and we had two weeks to decide who lives with who before they moved apart. I hate this situation, because I love my sister, we spend a lot of time together, she is my best friend. And now I live with my dad, in a four-star Hotel, far away from her and mom. Well, yeah, the fancy hotel sounds great, but believe me, I don't like it. Of course dad wants to stay in this hotel because he can afford it, and its near to his office. But I live here like a ghost. I don't meet anyone, just sit in my room and draw, read, or talk to my sister via WhatsApp. She's doing great but misses dad and me.

„I know sweetie, I miss you and mom as well. But everything is gonna be just fine, okay? Maybe you could come over and watch a movie together..? I'm sure mom and dad won't mind it." I said to her and smiled into my phone. Facetime. This is how we 'meet' every day at 7 p.m.

„I think you should come here. You still have some stuff left in your room."

„Okay! Talk to mom, I'll talk to dad after he comes home." I got really excited, cause I havent seen her in a while. It's going to be sooo fun! „Bye, honey" I ended the call, and lied on my bed.

Dad didn't get home til dinner, so I went to eat. I sat down with a yoghurt and started to eat it alone at a table for two, when a boy came and asked if I needed the other chair or he could have it. I nodded him to bring it away and thought about our big family dinners we always had together. Yeah, won't happen ever again.

I was standing in the elevator, going upstairs, listening to Taylor Swift with my headphones on, when the door opened, and a guy with brown hair came in. I looked at his face and found out, that its Harry Styles, the singer. My sister is obsessed with him, she can't talk about anything else but his music or him, so I decided to ask for an autograph for her. I pulled my headphones off of my ear and looked at him.

„Hi!" I said, and he smiled at me friendly.

„Hello!" I started to laugh nervously, then continued.

„Umm... I was wondering..." I started, but couldn't finish my sentence, so I had to start it over again. „Sorry, so if I am right, you are Harry Styles, aren't you?" He nodded and looked me in the eyes. „Thank god, it would have been really awkward if you wouldn't be!" I laughed and so did Harry, but I didn't stop talking. „So, my sister loves you and your music. Could you please give her an autograph?" I asked.

„Sure!" He said, so I handed him my sketchbook and a pencil. (I bring my drawings everywhere with me, cause you can never know when you feel like you need to draw.) „What is your sisters name?" He asked, and I just realized that I forgot to introduce myself.

„Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm Emma, and my sister is called Jules." I answered, so he could start writing.

„Thank you so much. And I'm sorry that I forgot to introduce myself before." I said, because I hated myself for it. But he didn't seem to care, just shrugged like it isn't a problem. „Will you stay in this hotel?" I asked after I realized that he has a suitcase between his legs.

„Well..." He hesitated if he should answer it or not, but it was too obvious. „Yes, I will. But please don't share this with anyone" he asked. „I just... need some time for myself without crazy fans." He said „Not like I don't like my fans! They are my everything! It's just..."

„Its just scary that they know pretty much everything about you." I finished his sentence.

„Right" He laughed. The elevator stopped, and I was about to say goodbye and leave, but he started to speak. „Well, it was nice to meet..." But he didn't finish, because I stepped out of the lift as well.

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