I used a tissue to soak up my tears, and that was when I realized that I had makeup on. I probably look like a zombie. I squatted down next to the water and washed my face, so my makeup came down. I dried my eyes, and sat down on the bench. No makeup left on my face, and I looked down at my clothes. I looked ridiculous. I never wear these kinda stuff. I'm the tee and jeans girl. I quietly laughed and shook my head, when heard a noise behind me and jumped up.

„Harry! You scared me to death!" My hands were on my chest, because my heart was pounding too hard. After I calmed myself down, I looked him in the eyes. „What are you doing here at all?" He didn't answer me, just analysed my face.

„You...Did you wash your makeup down?" He asked confused. Yeah, that freaking makeup.

„Really? You really care about my makeup? I looked ridiculous anyways" I said and sat back on the bench. I can only hope that my eyes aren't red from crying.

„You didn't. It was unusual, but you looked hot" A small laugh left my lips. He was thinking for a few minutes and then laughed quietly and sat down next to me, the bench between his legs, facing me. „You know, I never thought that a 1d lyric gonna fit my life. Now it does" He said and shook his head in disbelief. I raised my eyes at him.

„What do you mean?"

„'It's impossible to know if after this we can still be friends' its from love you goodbye" I thought about what he just said for a second and I didn't like the idea of losing him. „But that's not all" he said. „The 'why you wearing that to walk out of my life?' part is also true" I just laughed at him and playfully hit his shoulders.

„Asshole" I said still laughing. „I know, I shouldn't have let Sarah buy me this skirt at all"

„I actually like this on you. You look really sexy in it" I wanted to stare at him and tell him to stop laughing at me, but he didn't even smiled. „Okay, Emma" he continued slowly „I screwed up, I know. I should have told you about the kiss. I was just... I was scared."

„Scared of me? C'mon Haz, you know that I..." But he cut me off.

„No. I was scared of me. Because I remembered it all, and I liked that kiss. And I didn't know if I tell you then what happens with our friendship. I just didn't wanted to lose you."

„You will never lose me, unless you don't want me in your life anymore, okay?" I smiled at him, and hugged him tight. „But I don't know if I enjoyed that kiss as well, because... you know, I cant remember" He was just staring at the ground, with his eyebrows furrowed and then looked up.

„You mean... you want me to kiss you?" I just shrugged and he was surprised. I was surprised at myself as well. Then I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts, because I felt Harrys lips on mine. My eyes grew wide, I didn't think he would do that, but after a few seconds of shock I kissed him back. He pulled me closer to him, didn't let go, and kissed me with so much passion I forgot to breath, so we had to pull away. His forehead was leaned to mine and he also tried to catch his breath, eyes closed. I smiled, and felt my heart pounding really fast in my chest. Harry gave me a peck on my lips and let me go, to look me in the eyes. „So?" He asked. I was confused.

„So what?"

„So..? Did you like it?" I couldn't believe my ears. He was insecure. Harry Styles was shy and insecure. I couldn't help, I had to smile.

I leaned closer to him and said „I don't know, maybe we should try it again" Our kiss was sweet and slow this time. I pulled away and looked into those emerald eyes. „Yeah. I liked that" Harry laughed so did I, and then we started talking.

„So... what does this mean?" Harry asked, and I shrugged.

„I don't know. But... is it important? I mean..." I tried to sum up my thoughts, because I had too many. „We are not dating..."

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