I felt a finger running down my face, then following the shape of my lips when I woke up. I didn't open my eyes though because I knew who smoothed my cheeks, and wanted to have some more time to wake up.

„Angel" he whispered „its time to wake up" I just sighed but still didn't wanted to open my eyes, so he continued. „Hey, Emma, my angel, you really should wake up" he started the sentence sweetly, but then it didn't end so cute „before Sarah comes in, because I couldn't explain to her why you're in my bed" he said in a low voice almost laughing. My eyes opened quickly and I sat up.

„What time is it?" I asked Harry rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

„Its eight o'clock"

„Okay. Then ill go back to my bed and sleep a bit more. You're gonna spend the day with Mike anyways, right?" he nodded, so I continued „Tell him I send my kisses. Have a nice day" I said and gave him a peck on his lips then went to my room and I fell on my bed to sleep at least 2 more hours before I woke up.

I spent my alone time to pack my things and clean my room a bit, because I'm leaving in two days and it would be rude to leave the room messy. After I finished I went to the other house, because I haven't heard from Sarah all day. I knocked on her door and then opened it and she was lying in her bed with Mitch, a laptop in their lap and watching something nervously. I was about to close the door, because they should have their own time, but then Sarah spoke up.

„Oh, c'mon! This guy ruined everything. It was a bad film, too sudden end. You wont chose films in two weeks for sure." she said then looked at me and her face lit up „Hey Emma! I thought you and Harry are... occupied with each other, so we didn't wanted to disturb you two" she said with a smug smile.

„Oh shut up Sarah!" I said laughing and then continued „actually he had other plans for today, because Mike is leaving in the afternoon, so I'm free for today. Wanna hang out?" I asked and show her a wide smile. Mitch stood up and gave a kiss on Sarah's forehead.

„I think I'm gonna go and check what Adam is doing. We haven't spoken in like ages." he said and left the room.

„Oh shit" I said looking after him „I didn't wanted to ruin your plans Sarah, I mean I'm fine with being by myself, really" I said a bit scared because it seemed like I chased Mitch away.

„Oh we didn't have any. And you're leaving soon, who knows when ill see you again. Where do you wanna go?" She asked as she stood up and pulled a hoodie on.

„Well, do you think we could have a day at Port Royal? I've never been there and its in the pirates of the Caribbean. And its nearby. What do you think?"

„It sounds pretty good! And Port Royal is like in what? Half an hour or so? I love it, lets go!" she's got excited so I was really happy and could wait. It was around 1 pm when we left, we had lunch at home, then called a cab to bring us there.

Port Royal was called the wickedest city as we learned it and it had a history with pirates and everything, pretty cool. We stopped by the giddy house at Fort Charles, and a really nice old lady, called Molly told us about everything there is to know not just about the giddy house but about Port Royal and even about St Peters church because she's the secretary there. We had a great time, and after we said our goodbyes to Molly we made our way to the beach and sat down to eat some cotton candy.

„Did you like your weeks here?" Sarah asked me so I turned to her and she torn off some candy to put it in her mouth.

„I did. I'm really happy I came, and I'm so lucky that I met you" I said quietly looking back at the water.

„Why would you consider yourself as lucky? I mean I was just being nice" she said and laughed confused.

„Yeah, well, you know... I'm not really an extroverted person, and ever since..." I started but then stopped and didn't finish my sentence. „You know what happened. I mean the day Sabrina poured that drink on me... since then I don't really have friends. I don't have at all. Then Harry came and I found a friend in him. And he introduced us and... well I wanna call you my best friend since Harry is my almost boyfriend" I laughed and she hugged me.

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