I didn't wanted to wake up, but Sarah just woke me up. „Hey, girl, wake up. I have a masterplan, but I need you for that" She said and I finally opened my eyes.

„Why do you have a plan? Why do we need a plan at all?" I asked a bit annoyed that she woke me.

„Its almost 10, you should wake up. And we need a plan to get you two together"

„Who? Me and Harry?? Why would you do that? I don't want that" Lies. But I don't want to want that. I know but it makes sense, really.

„Okay, then just let Harry suffer a bit. He ditched us and didn't tell you what happened on Thursday. He deserves it. Please, its gonna be soo fun!" She said. I couldn't believe that but I thought about agreeing.

„You have to tell me the plan first. Now its a maybe" I answered. She seemed to be satisfied with my answer.

„Okay, so the plan; tease. You gonna tease him" I just shook my head and laughed in disbelief.

„Sarah, it only works if he is attracted to me. He is not, so there's no way I'm doing it." I just woke up, and it was too much for my brain after only 6 hours of sleep.

„But he kissed you! He has to like you at least just a bit. And its gonna be totally enough" I didn't say anything, because I was thinking. What could go wrong? I mean if he doesn't see me that way then he wont even notice the tease. „Please!"

„I feel like its more some revenge you want" I said but then continued. „But okay" She was really happy with my answer, and pulled me up.

„Okay, now I'm gonna tell you what to do. Go, have a shower and wear this" She put my short skirt on my bed with a tight top. „You gonna look so pretty!"

„More like a slut" I murmured but she understood it and immediately shook her head.

„You know, sometimes all girls need a day when they wear these kinda stuff. This way boys will appreciate our real selves more. So, go and have a shower. Were going to go to the city."

„Kingston? Why are we going there?" I was confused. I don't really understand this girl.

„Just because we need a reason for you to wear that skirt. And its perfect. Also, you need to buy something for your sister, so she wont be so angry that you didn't tell her the truth about Harry." She was right. I'm gonna need something and Haz needs to sign it. This way I may avoid the hell.

„Okay, I'm leaving now. Oh, and you need to wear makeup. Only to pop out your eyes. Use this" She said and dropped a black eyeshadow on my bed. „And then eyeliner and mascara, but you have those, I know that. Okay, bye" And she left. I came out of the shower dried my hair and my towel wrapped around me I went out of the bathroom, because next to my bed I have a big mirror, and I wanted to use that, to do my makeup. I just finished putting the mascara on my face, when my door opened, and Harry came in.

„Hi" He said but the realized that I'm only in a towel and turned around. „I-I'm sorry, I should have knocked" He really had to come in right now? I pressed the towel against my right side stronger and I was just hoping that he wont see it.

„Well, yes, you should have, honey. What was so important?" I asked and put some eyeliner on. I like this black eyeshadow, it really makes my eyes pretty.

„Umm..." He started. „Are you dressed, can I turn around and talk to you?" What was he thinking, that I'm gonna get dressed in a second?

„No, Harry, I wont let this towel fall down while you're in my room. But you can turn around. Just say it already" I said and held back my laughter.

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