"You sure you have to leave?" Clare asked me but I just laughed at her, because she knew why I need to go. I haven't seen my sister and my mother in three months and my dad in almost a month. Thanksgiving is about family, isn't it? "We're gonna miss you" she added and let go of the hug.

"Sorry to interrupt but we really need to go" Sarah said when I was hugging Jeffrey.

"Okay" I sighed and waved at everyone who came to say goodbye; Jeffrey, Clare, Mitch and Adam. The others said bye yesterday.

The drive was mostly quiet, we were thinking. I don't know what Harry was thinking about but my head were full of possible futures we could have and none of them had a good end. "Angel, what are you thinking about? You're frowning" Haz whispered into my ears.

I shivered from the non-expected sound, and turned to him, trying to sweep away the bad thoughts. "Nothing" I answered quietly and looked out of the window again, trying to think wonder about something else. Like how the hell I'm gonna tell dad what's going on between Harry and me. Or about my scar... shit.

"That's your gate girl, go have a good flight. I'll see you someday' Sarah said and hugged me so tight I almost knapped.

"Bye Sarah" I laughed.

"I'll call you" she promised me with a grin then walked away.

"Where did she go?" I was confused.

"She just gave us some time for our goodbyes" I nodded and turned to him. He had his hood on and sunglasses, just in case. Nobody knew his location, and he wished to stay it that way.

"Bye, Haz. Take care" I hugged him and stepped away. I'm not really good at farewell, and I didn't want him to see me cry, because I wasn't sure if I'll see him ever again. He pulled me back for a last kiss, the let go of my hand, so I could walk away, not turning back.

At the plane I picked out my sketchbook. It was like a diary for me. I drew my feelings during this journey and my eyes became watery to scroll through, but I didn't cry. At least I've got good memories.

Time flew fast and Harry and I weren't talking too much. Sometimes he called, sometimes I texted (Christmas was the time we also facetimed), but it was hard to be honest. And it was mostly because of me. I still couldn't tell my dad, nor my sister about the relationship (I was planning it, I really was, but then decided to do it after Christmas, but before New Year's Eve).
My scar was discussed though, and I had to find out, that Anna is really the best aunt, because she did tell my parents what happened, but they couldn't come back from Paris to visit me. And the time they could have, everything was alright, so she told them to stay there.

We had a family Christmas surprisingly, dad and mom were in the same room, and they talked. And I was happy, because even though they were not in love, they still cared about each other. I would have been happier if we could have stayed in the same house, but hey it was progress.

Then Christmas was over and I had to tell my parents something about Harry. Even if we won't stay together, or... okay, actually we are not together, he never asked me to be his girlfriend, but we kinda have a thing. Or had. I don't know exactly.

After lunch with my sister and mom (I spent the day there) I scroll through my phone, liked some happy Christmas couple photos my almost-classmates posted (I mean, in home-school I'm not sure if we are in the same class, but whatever), and then my eyes stuck at a picture connected to an article, my eyes grew wide and I let out a quiet sound of disbelief.

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