October flew by pretty fast, and soon I was on the plane to Jamaica. Harry – as he told me before – came to the airport to meet me. I didn't think that a friendship can grow this big without even meeting in person. I mean of course, we've met back in New York but only like 3 times. And now I would trust him with my life. And we only texted or talked on the phone. Once we did facetime but I regretted it right away, because compared to him I looked like trash (as I usually do at 11 pm). Even though he was nice, he told me I was pretty and don't think about myself like that. He is a nice guy. I'm really happy I met him.

„Hey Em!" Harry laughed when I jumped into his arms and whispered a 'Hi' as a response. He put his sunglasses on top of his head and looked at me.

„It's so good to see you Haz." I said. „How are ya?"

„I'm really good. I'm feeling good." He answered and a wide smile sat on his face.

„You do look like you're okay. Better than okay. You are stunning, honey!" I shoved my shoulder to his and laughed. He did the same looking sheepishly at the ground.

We made our way to the taxi he came with, and talked a bit. I told him about Japan, and he told me about his new band and how he loves them. He is really doing well and I'm so happy for him. I thought we will be staying at a hotel, and okay, actually that was a hotel but there were houses, separated from each other, garden between two. Eventually Harry booked two houses which means that we had our own garden and a pool (I really don't know why they needed a pool there because this hotel was like a 5 minutes walk from the beach but oh well). Harry told me that I could choose a room, because there is still 3 available. He said that Jeff (his manager), Adam (bass) and him (you know who Harry is) are in one of the houses, and Mitch (guitar), Clare (piano), Sarah (drums), and Tom and Martin (technicians) are in the other.

„So if you wanna be with the two girls, then Tom and Martin can move to our house, and..." He said but I stopped him.

„I'm perfectly fine with yours. I only know you anyway" I looked at him with a small smile.

„Well your dad told me that you should be in the room which is the farthest from me."

„What?!" I turned from the car window and looked into his eyes. „Oh my god. Didn't you tell him we are friends? I told him like a hundred times but whatever" I murmured the last sentence with annoyance in my voice. Dad can be so damn awkward.

„I think he just loves you so much, that he is worried about you." He shrugged, and fortunately didn't seem bothered. „But if its fine with you then I don't think he would be angry. I mean... you can have a room with a view to the sea, and its at the other end of the corridor so. We kinda follow his instructions, and you can send him beautiful pictures" He show me a grin and picked up his phone, because someone was calling him. I just nodded. It sounds great. But I'm so scared that his friends wont like me. He told me that for one week some of his old friends will come to visit, and now I'm frightened. Old friends know so much, if they don't like me then our friendship is officially over. Okay, I think I need to relax a bit. While he was on the phone (with Jeff I guess), I put my earphones in and listened to some Blue October to calm myself down. Well it didn't work but at least I tried.

„Here we are" Harry said, and accompanied me to the houses. The place was beautiful, I could see the sea through the trees at the fence, and those houses looked so good! They were made of wood, the doors and the window frames were painted red, and... just the whole view was... wow!

„Its amazing!" I answered amazed.

„Come, we put down your stuff and then ill show you around." He laughed and picked up my bags and headed to the door. When we arrived four of his friends were playing uno at the dining table, they raised their heads, and greeted us.

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