Two days later (James and Ed weren't there anymore, they left in the morning) Harry needed some inspiration (he had artist block or what) so Mike spoke up.

„Hey bud, how about some marijuana? Its fun, and not that bad, but you gonna be more creative for sure." I knew Harry have had weed before, so I was sure his answer gonna be yes to this. But I was concern. I mean if all these people gonna get high I'm not sure I wanna be here. Turned out that I was late, Jeffrey, Clare, Adam, Sarah, Tom and Martin has already gone to the city. So I was stuck there with Mitch, Jeff B (new nickname, easier to make difference), Mike and Harry. Great. I went upstairs and opened a new Shakespeare drama. I just love them.

About an hour later I heard some music infiltrated through my door. I was bored so went downstairs to see what was going on. They were all high, but I think it really wasn't that bad. It was just weird that they smiled this much. I picked up a cookie and poured myself some water, and sat down to listen to the song they were playing. They sang 'I'm having your baby, its none of your business' and it was so fun and catchy that soon I was singing with them, with another cookie because it was really good. Then Jeff Bhasker sat down to the piano and we had some really good jazz music in the house. Harry took my hand and we danced rocky or something like that. I felt so free and so good. Then Jeff B changed into some Fleetwood Mac and we all screamed the lyrics.

„Hey do you want some cookie? They are really good." I asked Harry when we were too tired to dance and were sitting on the couch, his hand over my shoulder. Mike and Jeff B were in the kitchen I think. When Harry heard my question turned to me.

„You ate from those cookies??" He asked and then started laughing. I didn't really understand him, so looked at him with a weird expression on my face. „Em, those had weed in them. Of course they taste really good" He said and looked at me. I was horrified.

„You mean... I'm high?" I asked him with wide eyes.

„Yeah, probably. How many have you eaten?" I started to laugh uncontrollably

„At least 3 of them" His eyes grew really big, so I started to worry. „I wont die, right?" Now he was laughing and I laughed with him.

„No, beautiful. You wont. But its pretty much. It will kick you in 20 minutes." He said.

„Oh." I said thinking, but my mind was a bit fuzzy. „Okay, whatever. Lets go dance. And sing that kiwi song you sang before."

„There was no kiwi in that" He laughed even more.

„There was! You sang 'New York, kiwi, jacket, all done" I said remembering the lyrics. Okay, I think Harry was dying of laughter. He didn't sang that I guess.

„It was New York, baby, always jacked up. But you know what, I like yours too" He stood up, and we started to dance. It was really fun. Jeff and Mike went outside to smoke I guess, but they put in some music. It wasn't that one I wanted, but wasn't bad at all. Harry and I both sang the lyrics and danced, without thinking. Then Where are You Tonight started from Dirty Dancing. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, so our hips were pushed against each other, and danced like in the movie. It was fun, we laughed a lot.

Soon we were tired of dancing so we stopped and sat down on the couch. I mean Harry sat down and pulled me on his lap. „Harrey! I can sit you know" I said laughing but he didn't let me go, just murmured something, and soon my laugh stalled, because I gasped. Harry started kissing my neck. I immediately jumped up, because even my blurry mind could tell me that it wasn't something we should have done. „Harry what... what was that?" He just shrugged.

„I was having fun" He said and smirked. Maybe it was the marijuana but he looked really hot. With his long hair, dark green eyes and that freaking smirk. I stepped closer to him and put my hands up behind his neck.

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