I'm leaving tomorrow and I have mixed feelings about it. I mean I haven't seen my sister and my mom for three months now and I really miss them. But... I don't wanna go away from Harry, because... okay, now its just like I'm in a comfortable bubble, where my life is filled with pink hearts and maybe unicorns. And I'm scared, that if I leave, our little wonderland, everything what we had just gonna blow up, and I don't want that.

„Hey" I heard Sarah's voice at my door, when she opened it. „Everyone is downstairs, ready to start the album listening? I even have my little drum down, and Mitch and Adam have their guitars with them. Its gonna be fun" she smiled and I could tell that she had at least two shots already.

I smiled back at the too happy girl and answered her „Of course, ill be down in just a sec" She nodded and headed downstairs. I put my phone to charge and followed her. When I arrived in the room I felt arms twisting around me from behind, and I tensed up at first but then calmed down when I saw the familiar tattoos.

„Hi beautiful" I heard his voice whispering in my ear then I felt a kiss behind my ear and shivered. Which -of course- caused Harry smirk. „Are you cold?" he asked in a deep voice turning me around to face him. I couldn't answer him, because I didn't really have an answer and his annoying smirk was on his face as always. „Did I take away your words, honey?"

Okay, he was incredibly sexy but there's no way that he can embarrass me, so I smiled back at him and right when he wanted to continue his little game I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him passionately. I tugged on his hair pulling him closer, because I knew he likes it and he quietly moaned when I bit his lip lightly. Then I stepped back and I was the one smirking, looking into his eyes, while I repeated his words „Did I take away your words, honey?" He quietly laughed and pulled me back for an other kiss before Jeff B shouted Harrys name and we made our way to the living room.

Harry sang the songs beautifully and I loved them all. I forgot to check the final ten, so I don't know how many I knew. There was one, called 'kiwi' that I haven't heard before, even though Harry sometimes have sang the chorus, so it wasn't totally new. „This was the song they wrote on that Tuesday night" Sarah whispered into my ear sitting behind the single drum with a cymbal and I nodded. Probably the song Harry told me I loved and he was sad because I didn't remember. Well, I slowly put the pieces together.

The next two songs were slow but good and then 'sign of the times' came, which was the most catchy of all, so I already new the lyrics. The next song started harshly with the guitars and drums. I didn't really pay attention until I heard a line too familiar. „Couldn't you take home to mother in a skirt that short, but I think that's what I like about it." he sang and if it didn't make me suspicious enough the chorus started „She's an angel, only angel". I looked at Harry, whose eyes were closed and sang the song with so much energy and emotion that I couldn't tear away me gaze from him. „Told it to her father and she told it to me, that she's gonna be an angel, just you wait and see, when it turns out she's a devil in between those sheets and there's nothing she can do about it" I just cant believe he wrote the phone call with my dad in the song. I mean... it sounds really weird if you don't know the story. I have to talk to him about it. Once the song was over Harry opened his eyes and his gaze met mine. I just shook my head in disbelief and he was smirking as he usually does. This boy is killing me.

I couldn't pay attention to the songs left, because I didn't know how to react when Harry asks. I mean... he just wrote a song about me. And it was a pretty good one actually. I didn't know if I should cry or laugh. Both in a good way. Then the album was over, and Jeff B was discussing something with Harry and Jeffrey, and I didn't wanted to bother them, so just sat down. I had too many thoughts at the moment.

„So..." Harry started when he sat down next to me on the couch. „...did you like it?" he asked and I looked at him like he's from an other planet. Who doesn't like a song like that written about them. He probably took my glare wrong because he started to stutter about something, I think the weather or so.

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