Chapter 9: Berk

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Hoccup's POV:

I nervously wiped my sweat-stained face with my sleeve. Being chief was not as easy as it looks. But what was even harder, was coming home and opening the door to my house and not see my father warming his meaty hands against the fireplace as he scolds me for being late. I miss the pats on the back that nearly crush every bone in my body. I miss his hearty laughs that rattles my chest like an earthquake. I miss my dad.

I shoved the thoughts to the back of my brain; I had more important things to do right now. "Hey, Mom?" I called, opening the door and walking into my home.

"Yes, Hiccup?" she called back cheerfully bounding down the stairs to meet me.

"Ah," I scratched the back of my head thoughtfully. "Ah, can I maybe take Toothless out flying for a little bit?... I know I shouldn't be--"

"Hiccup, Hiccup!" she cut me off, snapping a finger in my face to gain my attention. I closed my mouth and waited for her to continue. "Of course you can go for a ride! I'll take care of things while you're gone. Just don't stay out there too long, okay Sweety?" I smiled at her. My dad would have probably huffed a sigh, then told me to sit down before giving me a lecture of a speech on why I need to take care of my responsibilities.

"Okay, thanks Mom!" I said, running a hand through my chocolate colored mass of hair. I opened the door than turn back to her. "I-I love you," It made my stomach drop and the words stuck to my tongue like peanutbutter, but I meant them. It just felt so strange.

She beamed a delighted smile. "I love you too, Hun!" I waved and shut the door.

I looked around to see my dragon, but his black mass didn't appear in my Toothless. "Toothl!--" I called before I was tackled to the ground by a gigantic black blob. I groaned as the night fury panted happily on top of me, his velvety-pink tonge flapping out of his mouth. "Hi, Bud!" He licked my cheak. "Ewww, get off!"I laughed. Toothless bounced off of me.

"Wanna' go flying, Bud?" Toothless pranced around me in excitement, then waited for me to get on. "Wanna go to the cove, Bud? It'll be nice to go back to where we met," I suggested. The night fury cooed in agreement. "Alright, let's go!" 

        Toothless leapt into the air and shot up into the sky. The clouds floated gracefully and the scarlet light of the morning sun danced across the horizon and sparkled over the water. The wind brushed against my face and tugged at my hair. "Whoohoo!" I shouted with my arms up, the cry echoing across the open sky. Quicker than what seemed possible, we landed in the cove. I jumped off of Toothless's back and my feet were cushioned by the spongy moss that covered the ground.

        I walked awa a few steps, but Toothless nudged me with his nose to get my attention. A worried look flashed through his emerald eyes. "What is it, Bud?" He gestured with his head for me to follow. He trampled a few steps before I saw what he wanted to show me: a girl was lying by the shore of the lake! I quickly ran over to her and knealt down by her. Crimson blood seeped through a strip of purple fabric that was wrapped around one arm as well as one of her knees and some scrapes on her face. Her dark brown hair covered half of her face.

        "Hey," I shook her gently. "Hey," I repeated softly. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at me. Startled, she quickly sat up and backed up on her hands. Then, she saw the lake beside her and rushed to scoot away. She must not like water, I thought. "Hey, it's okay! It's okay. I won't hurt you," I said, reaching forward in surrender. "Are you alright?" She nodded slowly, still looking at me nervously, before cringing in pain.

        "You're hurt!" I concluded. "Come with me, I'll help with your wounds." I held out my hand to help her up.The girl hesitated before taking it in hers and I pulled her to her feet. When I touched her hand, it was like vibrations skidded up my arm. Was I imagining it? I put her arm around my shoulder to help support her shaking body. "What's your name? Mine is Hiccup," I offered.

        "Uh-I'm... Emma," She rubbed her forehead before wincing because of her arm. 

        "How come I've never seen you on Berk before?" She didn't look at all familiar. There was something about her... It was just kind of weird--something about her just felt... wrong.

        "Um-I-because I--" She looked almost hurt at the question.

        "Oh, I'm sorry, is it too personal?" She nodded reluctantly--like there was something that she was holding back. Maybe something happened that she doesn't want to talk about... "It's okay, you don't have to tell me: it's none of my business. Toothless crept up behind her and started sniffing her. She turned and gasped. 

        "Night Fury!" She back peddled and stumbled backward, tripping. Before she fell into the lake, I grabbed her good arm, her just a couple of inches from the water's surface. From the way she'd reacted to seeing the pond earlier, I knew she would not be happy with falling in. I pulled her back up. 

        "No, it's okay! This is my dragon Toothless. He won't hurt you. She gave Toothless a cautious look, before reaching her hand toward him like I did when we met. Toothless gently pushed his head against her hand. Emma smiled and stroked his head. That's when I noticed her startling purple eyes. They were beautiful. But impossible. No one has bright purple eyes. Except... No, Gobber's ghost stories are just stirring my imagination.

         "Do you mind riding on Toothless so I can take you back to my house?" She smiled and I gently helped her on behind me.
        Emma's POV:

         "Not too fast, Bud, and be careful," Hiccup said considerately, rubbing his dragon's head affectionately.  Toothless took off and the warm air brushed against my face. It was amazing! Before I knew it, we arrived at Hiccup's house. He hopped off of his dragon before politely helping me down. It was when all my weight was supported on my legs that I remembered how much they ached. Hiccup steadied me and helped me inside. I was immideately shocked with being inside a home.

         "Mom, are you home?" He called. No answer. She shrugged before helping me up the stairs to his room.  I sat on his bed. I'd never been in a bed before! Hiccup grabbed what appeared to be a first aid kit.

         That's when I realized: my left arm was injured. If he took off the cloth that was wrapped around it, he would see my birthmark and know who I am!

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