Prologue: The Legend of the Darkstalker

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           ~ Berk.  Right before the second httyd movie ~

        A man and six teenagers sat on logs around a fire. The amber flames licked at the cool, autumn air as sparks floated up before fading into the shadows of night. The scarlet glow reflected on each of their faces as they listened intently to the man.

        "Today, kids, I'm gonna'  tell ya 'bout the Legend of the Darkstalker," A large blonde viking announced menacingly, waving his arms for dramatic affect. A low hum of Oooooh's emitted from the teen vikings' lips, their eyes sparkling with interest.

        "Whoa, whoa, wait," A teen with black hair interjected, "Gobber, is this story going to be real?" The one handed viking slapped the smug boy over the top of the head.

        "Well of course; they always are, Snotlout, now will you just shut up and listen?"  The twins chuckled and Astrid clapped a hand to her forehead while Hiccup rolled his eyes. "Now as I was saying," Gobber continued. "Legend says--and a true one at that, thank you very much--" he jabbed a finger to Snotlout's chest. "--that there is a girl with unstoppable powers; evil, dark powers. She can zap you with a single wave of the hand and you would die instantly!" The crimson flames reflected in his eyes as he continued to wave his hands about. Fishlegs was trembling with fear. Ruffnut sneaked behind him and pounced his hands to his shoulders, causing Fishlegs to scream.

        "She is more powerful than you could ever imagine. You can tell where she's been, because her footsteps leave dark purple burn-marks wherever she goes. She is dangerous, I tell you, DANGEROUS!" he roared, standing up from his seat, before noticing the awkward stares he was receiving. His cheeks reddened as he casually sat back down. He cleared his throat. " Ahem. Anyway, she can cause giant black roots to rise from the ground and snatch you up and impale you with thorns! She can create black and purple fire and can pull lightening right from the sky! She can shoot violet energy beams from her hands and can turn the sea black with a single whisper. She is called the Darkstalker--"

        Snotlout cleared his throat before interrupting. "How do you tell her apart from just another random chick in the woods--well, you know, aside from the roots and energy beams and stuff?"

        Gobber clapped a hand to the youth's shoulder, causing him to lurch forward before rubbing his shoulder. "Glad you asked, Laddie. Her eyes are purple, and her hair has a purple sheen to it. The most obvious way to recognize 'er are the purple markings that vine their way up her arm. If you ever see her, you can do one of two things: run, this is the part where you might survive, or try to kill her--this is the part where you disappear without a trace." He informed them.

        "Gobber, what's her name?" Hiccup asked. Astrid arched an eyebrow at him. Of all the questions, what did that one have to do with anything?

        "Well, I told you--she's called the Darkstalker,"

        "Yeah, but that's not her name, right?"  He ventured. "And are you sure she's evil, I mean dragons seemed evil, but were really just misunderstood. The same could be with her, right?" 

          Gobber batted away his question. "No, no, impossible! If she finds you, she will kill you," he said darkly, sending shivers up the teens' spines. Then his voice returned to his normal peppy tone. "And to adress you initial question, I suppose nobody knows her real name..."


***Notice the change in time below and for a while :)***

~ 12 years before the end of the dragon war, not on Berk ~

        "Emma! Emma, wake up!" Nine-year-old Blaze shook his sister, who was violently thrashing in her sleep and mumbling gibberish. The pair were alone at night, sleeping on the forest floor. The three-year-old girl stirred, her eyes fluttering open. She jolted to a sitting position, before gathering her surroundings. She looked up at her brother wearily, threatening to fall over. Blaze gently steadied the toddler, grasping her upper arms. 

        "Emmy, it's okay, it was just a bad dream," He soothed his shaking sister, who then launched herself into his arms resting her head on his shoulder. 

         "Bubba!" she cried. She sobbed into his chest, her tears stinging his shoulder like acid. That's what happens when this powerful little girl cries. She subconciously never wants to believe that she's crying so her do the exact opposite of what they should do: burn. They do not burn her, however. Her brother winced at the sensation, but did not hesitate for a moment to hug his sister tighter.

        "Do you want to talk about it?" 

          Emma nodded into his shoulder before facing him, her plum-colored eyes wet and her pale face stained with tears. She stopped sobbing, only convulsing with every fifth shaky breath.

        "It was dark, and I was running. Somebody, or some people were chasing me. I twipped over a twee root and fell down, and when my hands touched the ground, big black vines came up from da ground and blocked my whole path! I got weawwy scared and a circle of black fire went all around me, and I couldn't escape. Then I woke up," She bravely choked down another sob, forcing it down her throat.


I hope you enjoyed the prologue! Please comment and let me know what you think! Please vote if you like it!!!***

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