Chapter 22: Broken and Mended

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***This chapter is going to make you literally yell out, "WHAAAAATTT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAATTTTTT?????" Lol. You may wanna go back and reread chapter 14, and this will make more sense :)***

I woke up with Crimson still asleep beside me. "Crimson," I said softly shaking the boy. His eyes shuttered and he sat up.

He smiled. "Good morning, Emma!"

"Good morning. I have to go meet up with my friends, but I don't want to leave you here alone... You can stay with Hiccup's mother while I'm gone, okay?" He nodded and took my hand as I brought him to Valka's house. She gladly let him stay, and I went towards the hall to find Hiccup. I opened the door.

"Hiccup?" Woops. Tons of vikings were there eating breakfast, staring at me. I grabbed a strand of my own hair and realized that I hadn't disguised myself.

"Emma!" Hiccup jumped up from a table and ran to me. He shoved me out of the door and closed it. He led me behind the building into a canopy of trees. "Emma, about yesterday, I didn't mean to offend you-I just-uh-"

"Hiccup, it's okay. You were right..."

"No, I wasn't right. I was wrong. Emma, you are not dangerous. I trust you, and I know that you wouldn't hurt anybody." He grabbed my hand and I quivered at his touch. "I heard that Gobber found you yesterday, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Thanks." I sat on the bench and Hiccup followed. He examined his own arm and saw some scratches, so he examined mine.

"Sorry, about those, I fell off of Toothless yesterday and landed in a tree..." He let out a nervous laugh and I giggled. I looked down and realized that he was still holding my hand. I blushed.

"Hiccup... I need to talk to you..."

He waited for me to continue.

"Hiccup, I.. I'm in love with you," I took his other hand in mine and gazed into his emerald eyes. I waited, but he didn't respond.

"Do-Do you love me...?" I asked, a crystal tear sliding down my cheak. Hiccup looked like he was about to say something, but looked at the ground instead. He looked hurt. Or disappointed-in himself. He slowly pulled his hand away. I breathed in a sob, not wanting it to escape as I stared hopefully into his eyes. When he didn't say anything, I looked at my lap, unable to stop myself from crying quietly. I folded my arms at my waist and hugged myself, hot tears falling onto my lap.

Hiccup, lightly grabbed my shoulder, guilt filling his eyes. "Emma, I-"

"You don't love me... do you...?" I finished for him, forcing myself to meet his gaze.

My complete and utter sorrow caused a few raindrops to fall from the now light grey sky, mirroring the tears that fell from my wet eyes. I could tell that Hiccup couldn't get himself to answer. I knew that he didn't want to hurt me like that. But the unspoken words stung. They burned like fire, but I felt like I was drowning at the same time. I was drowning and I couldn't breath. I couldn't swim. I felt so useless in that moment-I felt so sick-so dizzy. I was shattered into a million pieces. Like I was walking on my own broken glass. I was broken. My heart was torn. He didn't love me back.

I began sobbing harder into my hands. I let out a nervous laugh. "I feel so stupid!"

Hiccup came infront of me to face me and knealt down. "No, you're not stupid! Emma, you are beautiful and unique-"

"I'm a monster!" I sobbed. "Everyone says that and maybe they're right!"

"Emma," Hiccup forced me to look at him. "You are not a monster. You are a great girl." I shook my head. "Hey, listen to me," he shook me gently. "When I look at you, I don't see the Darkstalker. I don't see the monster, because there isn't one. I see you."

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