Chapter 10: Discovered

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***A/N: Hey, guys! I added on to chapter 9 so make sure you go back and finish reading that before reading this chapter. 1,000 views! Woohoo! Thanks so much!! And I totally just noticed something: I said that these chapters were before how to train your dragon 2, yet I had a scene with Hiccup's mom... I guess just pretend like I never said that it was before httyd 2 (so its after now) lol and I'll put the scene that I specifically wanted before the second movie in a flash back.  :) ***

        ***This chapter is in third person, because I wanted to say how they both felt at the same time :)***

        Hiccup reached to unwrap Emma's arm as the cold reality crashed over her like a wave: if he saw her birthmark, he would know who--what--she was. "Uh, Hiccup, wait!" Emma blurted, racking her brain for some excuse, but she couldn't think of anything.

        "It's okay, I'm just going to help you." and before she could stop him, Hiccup pulled off the cloth that revealed her purple, spiraling, birthmark. Hiccup gasped and backed up. A thousand thoughts flooded his mind. Emma was the Darkstalker? To be sure, Hiccup grabbed a cup of water that was by his bed and poured it on her hair, witch washed away the soot and revealed the impossible-not-to-notice purple sheen. Emma groaned in frustration, tears welling up in her eyes as Hiccup jumped back and in one swift movement, whipped out his fire-sword and held it in front of him.

        "You-you're the--" Hiccup stammered, anger rising in his voice. According to Gobber, she was beyond dangerous--and ruthless. He had trusted her; taken her into his home. And she was a killer?

        "Hiccup, please!" Emma pleaded, taking a step towards him, which he mirrored with a step back. He brandished his sword infront of him, it's amber flames licking the air.

        "Who are you and what do you want?" he demanded.

        Emma was shocked. Last night when talking to Gobber, he seemed so understanding, suggesting that she may not be evil. Today it was like all of those thoughts disappeared. "I already told you my name--it's Emma. I am the Darkstalker, but I'm just a regular person too!" Emma's fists were balled up so tightly, that she accidentally shot an energy beam. Emma quickly shoved Hiccup to the ground and the energy beam blasted through the wall. Hiccup pushed Emma off of him and tried to thrust his sword towards her. Emma put a hand infront of her face, creating a purple forcefield. When Hiccup's sword touched it, it was blasted out of his hand.

        Emma dropped the forcefield. Hiccup started to scramble for his weapon, but Emma grabbed his hand. "Hiccup, wait, please! I won't hurt you! That was an accident, I promise! I've been completely alone for sixteen years and I don't want to ruin my first chance at a friend! Just let me explain, please!"  Hiccup stopped, and reluctantly let out a sigh before turning back to face Emma.

        "Thank you," she said softly. "Hiccup, I watched you and your friends by the fire last night. That man was telling you the legend about me--but it's not completely true. And you suggested yourself that maybe I wasn't evil. I've never seen any viking who would even suggest such a thing, but you did. Why don't you think that now?" Hiccup continued to look at her glowing purple eyes, but didn't answer. "Hiccup I've been having prophetic dreams about you since I was three. When I was little, Drago took my brother as a slave in exchange for my life. Hiccup, I know that you defeated Drago because of my dreams, but my brother has not been released. That doesn't make sense. So Drago must still be alive."

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