Chapter 15: Unfamiliar

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        Third person POV:

        Hiccup led a bewildered Emma throughout the village. Emma was amazed at seeing all the houses. The ground was spongy, covered in green grass. The cyan blue sky was nearly blinding, reflecting how Emma felt as she walked through this strange world. 

        "Mornin'!" One viking said to another.

        "Bucket, no! How many times do I have to tell you: eggs come from chickens. Milk comes from yaks!" A burly man scolded another viking who wore a blank expression. The sun reflected off of his shiny, silver bucket that he wore on top of his head.

        Emma noticed the wells, and watering systems for the dragons. Dozens of happy dragons bounded around the village, as villagers chatted away about how 'whoever made the gods angry needs to apologize so we can get some heat instead of cold!' Was it cold? Emma hadn't noticed--in fact, compared to the constant shade of the thick canopied forests, this was like living on the sun to her. Vikings strutted past, so unaware of how hard certain other people had it. They all had safe food and clean water. They all had blankets and tables and a fire place. They had a place to make weapons and armour.  They all had homes. They all had a family. They had so much and they didn't even know it.

        It made Emma feel both fascinated and sick. It made her queasy that they had everything, but had the nerve to complain about silly little things. But it also warmed her that they were so productive. They worked on things and worked on them hard. And even though they complained, they were happy. 

        Hiccup led Emma to the forge, pulling back a curtain to his work room of drawings and potential inventions. Intigued, Emma studied the pages--well the ones that had pictures, that is... The walls were completely covered in papers, as well as the table. Wait, there was a table there?! You'd never've noticed!

        "What's this?" Emma asked, handing him a paper with a picture and many alien words.

        "Oh, it's an adjustment for Toothless's saddle and tail fin. You see, if I recalculate the callibration, and adjust the cord to be tighter, it will help with the lift when were in the air so that we will be able to fly 10%..." He stopped when he saw the I-don't-know-what-the-crap-you're-talking-about-but-it's-pretty-friggin-entertaining look on Emma's face.  He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head. "Uh, yah it will let us fly faster..." He translated.   Emma giggled in a way that automatically made Hiccup laugh too. Her laugh was so cute. Whoah, wait...! Why was he thinking about how cute her laugh was? He cleared his throat again.


        "C'mere" He gestured for her to follow, walking out of the forge and into the clouded sun. Everything was suddenly really foggy--probably my fault... Aparently, Berk is usually really cold... Well, I'm extra happy today, so I made it warm. Sudden rise in temperature equals fog.

        "Whoa, weird," Hiccup said, his emerald eyes fixed on the gloomy fog. You couldn't see three feet in front of you!

        "Sorry," I blushed, kicking the ground with my foot, "My fault..." Hiccup chuckled. "I think I can fix it, maybe..." I took a deep breath.

        I made sure no one was looking - there was no one in sight. I held my hand towards the sky. I slowly turned it, before closing my finger, the fog instantly disappearing. I scratched my arm nervously. "Sorry, I meant to do that more slowly... I didn't mean to make it disappear so suddenly." I took a few steps toward Hiccup. He smiled, and stared at where I had just been standing. "What?" I asked him, before following his gaze. My footsteps had left purple scorch marks. Great.

        Then, I felt it - something was wrong... I felt someone's hot gaze burning into my skin. I turned around to see Astrid disappear behind a tree. Oh, this was bad! Very, very bad! If Astrid saw me... If she tells everyone...

        Hiccup gasped and ran after his girlfriend. "Astrid, wait!" he called. I watched in horror as Astrid took off running. I am SO dead...

 ***UGH sorry, I re-read this and I'm going into "lazy-writer mode" again sorry!! I keep doing stupid things like not using unexpected adjectives and not sharp enough verbs and just ugh... I disgust myself xD Sorry that I wrote the last few chapters with terrible writing skills lol***

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