A/N: About Me

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I've been getting some questions from you guys, so I'm going to take the opportunity to answer them and tell you a little about myself. :D

My name is Annee, and I turned 14 in March. I've always had a passion for writing, ever since I was about seven years old. I know a lot of people don't understand it, but I just love writing. I absolutely love making sentences that paint pictures in your mind, and dance and come to life. Because stories aren't just flat words on a screen or a page to me: they have life and they are so powerful—they can make someone cry or laugh, get angry, or excited. They can inspire and create, and lead you to imagine. Stories are amazing and that is why I love what I do so much.

Some of you have asked where I get inspiration for my stories, well, I draw it from everywhere. Inspiration is easy to find, if you just look. Just take notice everywhere you go; look for beauty, and hope; sorrow, and intensity. You can pull inspiration from anywhere.

So I hope that answers some of your questions. If you guys have anything else to ask me, please, don't hesitate to comment or message me!! I love you guys!!!

<3 —xoxAnnee-Michelle

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