Chapter 23: Anything and Everything

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 ***Random side note: I think it's so cute how Emma calls Blaze "Bubba" even though she's 19 ^__^***

After my brother saved me, we sat and caught up with each other. I told him everything, and he told me of his boring, cold nights spent in a prison cell.

 "I'm sorry that you had to live like that..." I said.

"Hey, Em, for the last time, it wasn't your fault!" He replied. He ruffled my hair, which at any other time, I would have hated it. But at that moment, I'd never missed it more. We'd chatted until night fall, and laid on the ground to watch the stars.

"Bubba?" I asked, my head on his chest.

"Hmm?" His words vibrated through his chest.

"Why would you give up so much for me?" I stared at the stars, listening to the crickets and cicadas.

"Because you're my sister, and I love you."

"But you could have died! You could have drowned when you saved me, and Drago could have killed you any of the day in sixteen years—"

"—But I didn't. And he didn't."

"But you didn't know that. There was a very high chance that you were going to die; why would you do that for me??" He fell silent for a little bit, his chest making my head rise and fall as he breathed.

"Because you're more than worth dying for." His words melted my heart, and made me feel warm inside. I turned on my side and hugged him.

"You're worth dying for too." We both fell silent for a few minutes.

"Blaze, did Drago abuse you?" I waited patiently for his answer.

"Yeah, he did." He answered after what felt like forever. I know that he didn't want to admit that to me, but he would never lie to me.

"Did he ever let you go outside and see the sunlight or get some fresh air??"


"How often did you get food and water?" Anger poured out of me.

"Water twice a day, food once a day. And sometimes he would forget to feed me..." I sighed. Drago treated him awfully.

"Blaze, wait, I just realized something. Since you have fire powers, water burns you. Yet you jumped into a frozen lake and swam in it to save me? Did it hurt?"

"Yeah, but it was worth it." I didn't understand. I didn't feel worth it. I didn't feel worth anything. He went through pain, slavery, abuse, and malnutrition for sixteen years and he still thinks I'm worth it?

"I don't get it."

"You will. In fact, maybe you already do. Emma, what would you go through for me?" I saw his point.


"Exactly. And I did everything I could for you. But I wouldn't change a day of it."

With that, I fell asleep.

"Emma!" I felt Blaze shake me. I opened my eyes: it was morning. Blaze was standing up. He offered his hand and helped me to my feet. "Did you hear that?" Blaze suddenly stopped in front of me,  holding his hand out for me to wait.

        "No, hear what?" He motioned for me to stay and took a few steps toward a big tree by the edge of the lake. Then, I heard him cry out in pain as two strong arms pulled him into the shaddows.

        "Blaze!" I screamed. I was not loosing my brother again. I ran over to where my brother had disappeared. I stepped forward and before I knew it, I screamed as a net shot into the air, dangling from the tree. I looked down at the lake below me. I kicked my dangling legs that had fallen through the wide-set netting. I shuttered as I stared at the water and flashes of memories blinked into my mind. I hated water. I feared it. I was terrified of it. I struggled instinctively. "Blaze! Where are you? Hiccup?"

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