Chapter 6: Drago

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        ~Same time frame as it has been. (12 years before the first movie and 17 years before the second movie--which is "modern times" in this book :)~

Emma wimpered in fear, scrunching into my shoulder as we stepped off of the boat and my feet met black gravel. Without even thinking, I squeezed Emma to me tightly. Black dust glazed the rocky ground that crunched beneath my every step, echoing through the silent island. I looked ahead of me and froze in place. Giant steel traps laced the grounds--with dragons inside--but most of them had a wing or foot stuck in the iron teeth. If Drago was strong enough to so easily capture and severly injure the most feared creatures, there was no telling what he could be capable of.

        My eyes shot away from the scene when I saw motion in the corner of my eye. A tall, strong-looking man with dreadlocks and uncountable scars slowly walked towards us--undoubtably Drago Bludvist. I could barely get myself to breathe as he strode closer. Closer. Closer.

        I made a split second decision and dove into action. I ran as fast as I could away from Drago. Away from the men. Away from the boat. Away from everything. My breathing came in forced shallow gasps that burned at my throat. The cold air stung at my face. Every step I slid a little in the black pebbles that made up the ground. I heard shouts from behind me, and many footsteps thundering in my direction.

        I forced myself to quicken my pace, exhastion clouding my thoughts. Every pounding step hurt my sore legs. I clutched my sister to me and ran. But then it all went downhill...

        My right foot slid infront of me, as I crashed to the ground on my back. The back of my head pulsed with pain, as my vision momentary blurred. The world seemed to spin.

        "Emma," I mumbled quietly. "Run, Emma," I felt my sister tugging at my hand. Footsteps gained more quickly than I imagined possible. I forced myself to snap out of the daze and sat up. I immideatly met my sister's glowing purple eyes. Drago and the men were only two feet away. I stumbled to my feet and swiftly pulled Emma behind me. She wimpered before sobbing into the back of my shirt.

        "I believe that you have something that belongs to me," Drago sneered, pointing to Emma with a pointed staff. I backpedeled a few steps.

        "She's not property, she's a person!" I roared, frustration and exghastion clouding my judgment. Drago let out an amused laugh before striding a few steps toward us.

        "Give me the Darkstalker." He demanded quietly. It was his calmness that made the events even more unsettling.

        "Her name is Emma! She is not a monster that deserves the name 'the Darkstalker' and she is not a piece of property!" I yelled, crying. Drago pursed his lips in anger and snatched Emma from behind me. He yanked her infront of him, a hand around the front of her neck threateningly. I could tell that he wasn't squeezing her neck--yet.

        "No!" I cried, falling to my knees in surrender. I looked at the floor and put my hands to my head. I tried to talk, but sobs attached my throat. "Please," I managed to choke out. "Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods, please," I forced myself to squeak.

        "Who are you, Boy?" Drago's voice was barely above a whisper, yet with such a crisp demanding tone. It sent a shiver up my spine.

        "B-Blaze, m-my name is Blaze,"

        "And this girl--"

        "--Emma." I blurted cutting him off, correcting him before I could stop myself. I was about to stammer an apology, but Drago continued.

        "Emma,"  He corrected himslef. Emma immideately looked up at him for both recognition of her name and shock that someone other than me had said it.  "Emma can perform the powers claimed of her, yes?" 

        I almost told him that she can do what's claimed of her and much more, but that could frankly be dangerous information. So I decided to go with "Y-yah..." instead.

        "Well, she's have to prove it," Without looking away, he pointed in the direction of a frozen pond.  "She will walk across the lake by herself. The ice is more than likely to break, so she can use any of her powers to stop it."

        "WHAT?!" I blurted. "No-no-no, she can't control them very well. A lot of her powers are triggered by accident and I have to make her stop. She shot an energy beam today at one of those guys," I pointed my thumb in the direction of the men. "and that was really surprising. She is powerful, she just doesn't know how to use them!"

        "If she can't use her powers to save her life, then she won't be able to use it for what I tell her to when her life isn't ... well, directly in danger. If she can't safe her life with her powers, then she will be of no use to me--and I will kill her." I was about to protest, but her took a firm hold of Emma's wrist and started dragging her towards the frozen pond.

        "Whoa, whoah--um, don't you think we should, um, like... think about this first, or--or do something less life threatening! She can make storms! That's cool, right? It's-it's a lot better than trying not to die and it's pretty! Well, actually, the storms in themselver are kinda life threatening..." I reasoned in a quick blurr of words. If Emma went out there, she wouldn't be able to save herself. Drago ignored me and kept walking with a tight hold on Emma's wrist.

        Emma stumbled over her own feet and plopped to her knees. Instead of yelling at her to get up or throwing her to her feet, Drago surprised me: he stopped walking and used his hold on her wrist to gently pull her to her feet and waited a second for her to right her balance. It was like something a father would do...

        "...D-Drago Bludvist--Sir," I quickly added. He glanced in my direction. "...Did you ever have... kids?" His face was still the same cold expression it had been, although I saw a quick glimmer of sorrow in his eyes, but it quickly vanished.

        "I had one once," he answered, not even realizing that he had voiced his answer. "But that's none of your business!" he barked, suddenly realizing that he had said that outloud.

        It didn't make sense. He threatened to kill Emma--and she's probably going to drown on that lake, yet he just treated her gently. He was probably letting his past leak through; for a moment, he thought that Emma was his child. But whatever happened with his child, it had obviously scarred him. He's basically giving Emma two choices: die in the lake or he'll kill her himself. He didn't want to talk about his child, so something had obviously happened. 

        I realized that we were at the edge of the water. My heart immideately picked up pace. Emma was about to die.

***A/N: Jeez I FINALLY finished this chapter! I am a week behind in homework so that's why I haven't updated! Let me know what you think :) One more chapter until the book time-skips to "modern times" which in this book, is after the second movie and Emma will be 19 and meet Hiccup etc. I'm really excited!!***

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