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You run towards Draco, unsure of what's going to happen next. Once you make it to him, he's leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed. Pansy and Adrian are both in bed, Pansy wearing her bra, and Adrian topless.

"How-?" You start.

"I don't even know."

"But this isn't even your dorm-"

"I know."

You walk over to Draco's dorm and turn the handle. You open the door to see Blaise soundly asleep in his bed and Terence asleep in Draco's. Out of nowhere, Draco comes out from behind you, stomping to his bed.

He rips off the covers, snatches the pillow from under Terence's head, and pushes him off. You run in, making sure Terence didn't get hurt as nearly undressed, Pansy and Adrian join the scene.

"What the fuck mate," Terence says drowsily.

"What the fuck? You're in my bed. Sleeping in my bed."

"Did you really think I was going to sleep when those two were in there?"

"Then go to the couches, not my bed."

"Blaise said I could," Terence shouts, pointing the blame away from him.

All eyes turn to Blaise, who's still soundly sleeping.

"Just get the fuck out." Is all Draco says, his jaw clenched.

The four of you huddle out of the room as Draco slams the door in your face. Terence and Adrian go to their rooms, and Pansy follows.

"Absolutely not," you mutter, grabbing Pansy's wrist and pulling her along with you.

"Hey!" She silently shouts, struggling against you.

You push her into your dorm and slam the door behind you.

"You, sleep," you say, pointing to her bed. "Or else tomorrow you'll be complaining to me all day. And I'm not in the mood."

She groans and reluctantly slips into bed.

You get ready before falling into your mattress and drowning in a deep sleep.

Fred Weasley

I pace around the common room, thinking about one thing. Well, two.



"I should do something to make it up for Y/N, right?" I ask George.

"Whatever, you want mate, but don't be surprised if Angelina kills you."

"She'll understand."

George laughs, shaking his head.

"Harry," I say, searching for him around the room. "She'll understand, won't she?"

"Fred," he comes up and pats me on the back. "Just break up with her already."

"Break up with who?" Angelina asks as she walks over.

"Um, no-one," I stutter, shrugging off Harry and making my way to Angelina. "Good morning, love."

Angelina kisses my cheek before slipping her hand into mine.

The two of us walk down to the Great Hall for breakfast holding hands the whole way down.

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now