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Pansy Parkinson

Everything hurt.

My eyes burned from all the tears.

My head ached from the endless thoughts.

My heart was numb from all the pain.

Why did this happen to me?

"What happened?" Y/N asks as I'm enveloped in her hug.

"I already told you," I reply, sobbing into her shoulder.

"But what exactly happened?"

My words come out faster than I can process, and everything is jumbled up, but I try my best to explain.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick," I said to Adrian, pointing to the restrooms.

"'Kay," he replies, focused on the game of cup pong.

I go to the restroom, do my business, and then fix my makeup. I walk out back to the cup pong table, but Adrian wasn't there.

"Where did Adrian go?" I ask.

"Not sure, but I saw that Greengrass girl take her." A Slytherin from the seventh year responds.

"Which one?" I can feel my heart pace quicken and my eyes narrowing.

"The one with blonde hair, she was really pretty, which one was it," he looks at his friends asking, but he figures it out on her own. "Oh yeah, it was Daphne, Daphne Greengrass."

My blood's boiling as I search around the Room of Requirement for my boyfriend and the snake. I tap Blaise's shoulder before asking, "Where' s Adrian. I can't find him."

"Not sure, he might've left, though," Blaise responds, uninterested while in a heated argument with some Ravenclaws.

"Left?" I think to myself as I march towards the Slytherin Dungeons.

I storm into the Common Room, stalking up the staircase towards the boys' dorms. I take a quick breath before placing my hand on Adrian's door handle, which pushes down as soon as my weight is put on it.

"Why did he leave his door open?" I whisper to myself.

I open the door all the way to see Daphne Greengrass in a bra and sitting on top of Adrian, who's topless, grinning, and rocking his hips.

"Get the fuck out," I hiss, throwing Daphne's clothes at her face as she rolls her eyes and leaves the room.

"What are you doing?" I ask, shouting at Adrian.

"What do you mean?" He asks, dumbfounded.

"What I mean is why were you fucking Daphne Greengrass?" I whisper as he continues laying in his stupid bed.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Because I'm your girlfriend," I shoot back, getting more heated by the second.

"Girlfriend...?" He says slowly while getting out of bed with only his boxers on.

My heart drops and I can feel the tears in my eyes beginning to shape.

"I fucking hate you," I scream while slapping his face, blinking back my tears. "Don't fucking talk to me again."

I grab the picture frame with a picture of us in it, crack it in half with my knee, and watch as the shards of glass shatter about the ground.

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now