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I've started writing the Gryffindor Common Room as of right now so we'll see if it actually gets published in the future. 

Enjoy and don't forget to vote :3


Tracey Davis

"It's official," I say out of nowhere as Terence packs his trunks for him and Hogwarts. "I love France, and I don't want to leave."

"I'm, really, happy you like it here," Terence smirks, throwing one of my panties at my face.

"Let's stay here in France, forget school. Who needs school? Not me," I throw my panties back at him, spreading my arms and legs out on the huge four-post bed.

"I wish, but if we did, mum would have bounty's over our heads," Terence sighs disappointedly, folding my panties and packing them with his things.

"Would she really?"

"Would you like to test it out?"

I groan and slide off the bed, my hair sticking up from all the static.

The past weeks had been wonderful. Terence gave me the official tour of France. We apparated in Paris and visited the Eiffel Tower, and we ate at a bunch of cute cafes. I met most of Terence's distant relatives on his mom's side, who happened to all be pretty french Veela's, causing my confidence to shoot down to the ground. Took many cuddles and words of reassurance from Terence to feel better about myself.

Clover had become my new best friend, hanging out almost every day. I learned that she had a rabbit stuffed animal named Carrots, whom was the priority of her life. She fed it, bathed it, hugged it, dressed it, the poor thing.

After exploring Terence's France manor, I officially confirmed his extreme wealth. Two pools, indoor and outdoor, Clover had her own wing just like Terence and a bunch of house-elves. Luisa hosted a party almost every weekend and was an excellent host, as well as a fashion stylist. Much to my horror, Luisa bought me a whole new wardrobe when the two of us went shopping in Milan.

These had been the best days of my life, and I didn't want to leave them. Hogwarts seemed small and like a lot of work.

"Ready to go back?" Terence asks, looking around the now empty bedroom.

"Yes," I huff, locking the last of my trunks.

Terence walks over to my side and takes my hand, squeezing it before apparating the both of us back to the UK.

After a rough ride of dizziness, we land perfectly in Terence's regular bedroom. His decorated room is drastically different from the one in France. Slytherin and Quidditch posters adorn the walls with photo frames on almost every surface. His room here is more home-y, more comforting, though I find everything about Terence comforting.



I open my eyes, finding myself lying on my side. Terence is next to me, and he sleeps soundly, though he was...sleep-talking?


I sit up and look around the pitch-black room. It takes a second for my eyes to get used to the dimness. Eventually, I spot an owl hitting one of Terence's windows.

Drowsily I get up from bed and open the window latch, taking the letter that's in its beak. It's too dark to read the small writing, so I unsuccessfully search around for my wand.

"What was that?" Terence suddenly asks, whispering while rubbing his forehead as he props up on elbows.

"It's mail," I whisper back. "Do you have your wand?"

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now