ᴘᴀʀᴛ 35

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Please vote. I wrote this all in two days, so be thankful. Keep in my mind, I go to school, and I have my extracurriculars. So I'm really overworking myself rip. 

On a happier note, happy 44k! Thank you guys so much for all the reads and votes. This is getting so crazy.

Also, I'm sorry for the late update. I'm really trying my best. 



You lay in bed next to Pansy, who is sleeping soundly. You had slept with her at night consecutively for the past week. It made you feel less alone. You prop yourself up on your elbows, staring at the star polaroids that are arranged on your wall in front of you. You sit thinking, at the same time becoming mesmerized by the glimmering lights, slightly tinted green due to the windows showcasing the bottom of the black lake.

You look over your shoulder, staring at Pansy. Her chest moves up and down, to the rhythm of her breathing. Restless, you kick off the covers and walk to your wardrobe. You press your finger along the fabric of your clothes, stopping at a red, oversized shirt. You take it out, tilting your head. It was Fred's old Gryffindor Quidditch tee. You bite your bottom lip at the shirt before tugging it off the hanger and kicking it under your bed. You hang the hanger back up before grabbing and changing into your robes.

In your mirror, you stare at yourself, adjusting your tie to make sure it's straight. Tucking your hair behind your ears and smoothening out the bottom of your robes. You trail your finger from your ear to your neck, dragging your finger over where Fred had left his mark. They were gone now, of course.

You walk to your desk, flipping through your calendar. It's been a week since you and Fred had broken up. Strangely enough, you hadn't seen him around the castle. Even before you were dating, you'd occasionally bump into each other.

You jerk at the sound of your first alarm going off, blaring loudly. You run to your nightstand to turn it off, also turning off the seven alarms that followed the first one. Pansy groans into her pillow, flipping over onto her stomach.

"I'm going to go get breakfast," you whisper, grabbing your things edging towards the door.

"Just get out," she mutters through the pillow.

Quickly, you leave the dorm to escape Pansy's wrath walking towards the Great Hall. It was still fairly early, so the corridors were basically empty. As you walk, you count your steps, looking down at your feet. You knew how to get to the hall by heart so bumping into the things wasn't an issue. As you turn the corner, you're met with collision, crashing into the person in front of you.

"I'm so sorr..." the voice wanes as you look up to see who it is.

As you meet her eyes, the long red hair, and brown clouded eyes, you know it's Ginny. She glares at you, looking you up and down before pushing past you.

"Ginny, have you seen Fred?" You ask, turning your head to face her.

"He left," she replies dully, stopping to talk with you.

"He...left?" Perplexed, you furrow your brow at the idea of Fred ditching school.

"Yeah, something about getting enough money to start his and George's shop," she huffs, avoiding looking you in the eye.

"Wait but-" you start before she cuts you off, keeping her cold, look.

"Just don't Y/N, I know that you're not a bad person and whatever, but Fred's my brother, just...no...," she manages tensely before whirling back around and disappearing around the bend.

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