ᴘᴀʀᴛ 18

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Hi um, guys, i just checked and we just hit 1.3k. What the heck. It's been exactly two and a half weeks, and I hit 1k, not sure if that's quick or slow, but still proud hehe. I just can't believe we have over a thousand reads as well as over 250+ stars. Like that's just crazy to me; I am seriously stunned. I hope you guys enjoy the part and don't forget to vote!



"Do you wish it was?" He repeats.

You give him a confused look as he keeps his serious expression.

"I-, I-, I don't know what you're, what, what do you mean," you say flustered.

"Forget I said anything," he huffs, letting go of your shoulders.

"Draco but-"

"No," he stops interrupting you. "I said, forget I said anything."

You sigh, giving in, and you return back to looking at the gorgeous landscape in-front of you. It was dark, and the stars barely lit up the night sky. The moon was hidden behind staggered clouds, yet its vibrance still shined through. In the far distance, you can see the outline of the forbidden forest, as well as the black lakes. The night was peaceful and gorgeous, but still, something bothered you. You just couldn't put your finger on it.

"Draco, I saw you today," you say, remembering the strange scene.

He pauses before he begins, "I don't remember seeing you."

"That's a lie, and you know it."

"I truly didn't see you," he says, looking away.

"I saw you there; I called your name," you say, exasperated. "You looked right at me."

"I wasn't at the Three Broomsticks today; I think you're going mental." He says, trying to conceal the well-known truth.

"Draco, you were there coming out of the bathro-," you pause mid-sentence realizing his fault. "Hold on, I never said that I was at the Three Broomsticks."

You hear Draco curse under his breath as you pull his left arm, trying to get him to face you. "Why did you ignore me?"

"What I did has nothing to do with you." He replies harshly, shaking off your arm and pulling his arm away.

"Why won't you tell me?" You ask, becoming more and more bothered by his distant answers. "Draco, I know you too well for you to lie to me. I know you're hiding something. Just tell me."

"Just lay off, will you?" He says firmly. "I already told you it has nothing to do with you. Just leave it."

Pissed off, you pause the conversation and let it go. What was Draco hiding? Was it something terribly obvious that you were too naive to notice? Not knowing the answer bothered you far more than it should. A cryptic Draco wasn't new or unfamiliar, but sometimes you wished that he would say something, anything.

Draco Malfoy

My heart stung, knowing that I couldn't tell Y/N the truth. If I could; I would, I would tell everyone. But I can't. Blaise was purely an accident; he shouldn't have found out. I wish I could explain to Y/N. Let her know that I'm doing this for a good reason and not because I'm an asshole. I could trust Y/N; I knew that. But, to put her in danger for actions that have only and always will be my own fault, Y/N didn't deserve that. Nobody deserved that. Because what I did was truly evil, and what lies ahead of me is worse.

I look up at the glimmering stars; they always seem to keep me calm. That's why I like the Astronomy Tower so much. It's the only safe haven I have. First, find the North star. Once you've found the North star, you've found the little dipper. And once you've found the little dipper, the handle points to the big dipper. Once I've found the dippers, finding Draco is simple. Astronomy was simple; it was orderly, everything stays the same. Almost nothing changes. Stars are the one thing in my life that are thoroughly and sincerely reliable.

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now