ᴘᴀʀᴛ 27

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I just realized that the picture for Tracey is Lily James with brown hair. I'm digging my grave now, bye-

Disclaimer: dark themes



You sit in the library, double-checking your answers with the cheat sheet. You huff in defeat at the sight of many red x's and scribbles all over your paper.

"Guess who?" Somebody asks, surprising you from behind.

"My boyfriend, Fred," you reply, grinning.

"Correct," he says, giving you a quick kiss, and then pulls out the chair next to you.

"What's that?" You ask skeptically, pointing to a bag with an explosive amount of tissue paper that is being held in Fred's hand.

"It's for Valentine's Day, of course," he says, handing you the present.

"This isn't a prank, right?" You ask, hesitating before pulling out the tissue paper.

"Do you really think I'd prank my girlfriend on Valentine's Day?"

"Yes," you reply smugly.

"There are no pranks in the present, now open it. I want to see your reaction."

"If you say so," you say, gently removing the paper and grabbing a box. You place it on the table to get a better look. "Thank you, Fred, but, um, what is it?"

"I asked for Hermione's help, and she said she'd think you like this. It's a muggle thing they call a cassette player."

"Cassette player?"

"Watch," he says, you observe as he unlatches a plastic screen and pops in a small black box. "These are cassettes."

"What does it do?" You ask, slightly confused.

"It plays music if you click this button."

Once Fred pushes the button, and turns a little black dial music begins to fill the atmosphere.

"You can replace the cassette and play a bunch of different songs as well." He reaches into the bag and pulls out three more cassettes. "I picked out the music."

"This is so cool. Thank you so much." You exclaim, fascinated by your new discovery. "I love you so much, Fred."

"Anything for me?" He asks teasingly.

"As a matter of fact, I do," he raises his brow in uncertainty.

You bend down to your side, faking grabbing a gift. You sit back up straight and pull Fred in for a kiss.

"Happy Valentine's Day," you whisper before completely pulling away.

Tracey Davis

"I have something for you," Terence says, walking over to his wardrobe, searching for something.

"What is it?" I ask, hopping up from his bed

"No, don't look. It's a surprise," Terence replies, turning around to push me back to his bed.

He returns to his closet before sitting down next to me, "This is for you. Happy Valentine's Day, Tracey."

Gently, I take the gift from his hands. I rip apart the pink wrapping paper, eager to know what it is. Once the wrapping paper has been removed, in my hands is a photo album.

I flip through the pages of photos layered with plastic film. I skim my finger over pictures of the two of us. Pitter pattered in are photographs of me hanging out with Pansy, Y/N, Adrian, and Blaise. Only two photos include Draco.

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