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The Dark Lord has assigned you two a task.

A task?

Why would I be assigned a task?

I thought I was a pawn.

I'm actually going to have to do a task?

As soon as the words 'Dark Lord' left Snape's mouth, your breath caught in your throat, and it took a strange choking noise to get it out. You felt Snape's glance when you made such raucous. Draco makes no visible reaction, which for some reason, makes you feel slightly crestfallen.

"Y/L/N, you will need to get information from anyone you believe is in The Order," Snape continues, ignoring your confusion. "Malfoy will be making sure you're following through with the task."


I don't need a fucking babysitter.

"Before you say anything, Malfoy is absolute," Snape says sharply like he was reading your thoughts. You hated that you were so predictable.

"How am I supposed to get this information?" You grumble, glaring at Snape, who looks just as bored as Draco.

"The Dark Lord believes you have connections with those in The Order."

"Well, they know that I'm a fucking Death Eater, so how are they supposed to trust me?" You snap before slapping your hand over your mouth. You could feel the flicker of Draco's eyes as you cursed over the Death Eaters and Voldemort.

"Do not speak ill of the Dark Lord, Y/N. There will be consequences if I hear more disrespect over the Dark Lord," Snape says icily, and you shudder as every word is enunciated. "And this is not my task to figure out. It's yours."


"Malfoy, any questions?" Snape cuts you off, fixating his glare on Draco.

Draco just shakes his head. That makes you want to slap him.

As you stand in Snape's office, your blood boils in your veins. The nerve Voldemort had to assign you a task. In perspective, it was a disgustingly clever move. You dated Fred, your parents were somehow intertwined with The Order, you weren't, though, and you had once been friends with Harry and everybody.

The problem for you is that it's different now. You aren't dating Fred anymore. You aren't friends with Harry and them anymore. Your parents are dead, and you no longer have any connections with The Order.

The first person that comes to mind is Ginny. But after thinking about it sounds like a terrible idea. Neville would be too afraid to be in a mile radius as you. Luna, maybe, but she was actually nice to you, and she dated Blaise. If Blaise found out, he'd never forgive you, and that was the last thing you wanted.

You don't know why but your breath started choking up again, and you could feel tears forming in the dips of your eyes. You weren't sure why you were crying, but from all the overwhelm, you felt as if you could collapse. To avoid humiliating yourself, you force your stress and anxiety to anger.

The thought of not being able to follow through with the task seizes you. The most terrifying part is that you know that if you can't accomplish what Voldemort wants, you'd pay the price in blood.

Draco Malfoy

I don't know what makes me more furious. Being forced to work with Y/N after I've just started to let her go or Y/N being given a task. Even me being a part of this frustrates me. Why do I have to work on another task? I already did one, and that one was enough hell as it was. This one sounds even more impossible than the last.

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now