ᴘᴀʀᴛ 60

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Happy part 60. I know what we're all thinking, when is this fucking over. Unfortunately, there is still so much and December is going ot be a long bitch.

+ happy 85k !!!



"TRACEY!" You shout, running down the Girl's Dormitories hall to hold Tracey in a tight hug.

Refusing to go into the dorm since Pansy's in there, you waited outside for Tracey to return. Nobody knew what happened to her or Terence. And when you asked any of the professors, they didn't know either.

What you did know what that she'd been gone all day for her classes. You'd hoped that she'd walk in at a random point, interrupting lessons and then being able to ask her questions. You hadn't officially apologized to Tracey, which you were still working on and planned on doing still.

"Y/N," she whispers your name delicately as she slowly lets go of your arms.

"Where have you been?" You ask, pressing your lips together as you ask Tracey shivers, and her eyes move in a direction where they don't meet yours.

"I'll tell you in somewhere more private..." she continues to whisper, swallowing when she's done speaking.

"Yeah, ok, so-" you begin but become interrupted by your roommate.

"Tracey?" Pansy's voice calls from down the hall.

Tracey peeks over your shoulder to spot Pansy, and when you turn to Pansy, you see her head poking out from the gap between the door and the frame. Her eyes are wide, not in shock. They just happen to be bulging out of her sockets.

You stifle a giggle, refusing to show any remorse to your ex-best-friend? You still hadn't entirely forgiven Pansy. However, your harsh feeling had begun to melt as time had passed. It was a lie to say you didn't miss her.

It was a hard sensation for you to spend studying, almost unexplainable. Missing Pansy was probably, the last thing you'd ever thought would happen, as she fucked Draco. What happened between her and Draco was honestly the last thing you'd ever thought would happen, but as you think it through, it slowly makes more sense. It's still wrong, but you can see how maybe the pieces could've fit together.

Horribly enough, if you thought about Pansy long enough, you'd begin to cry. The feeling of her betrayal still stung at full speed, like a spreading poison in your stomach. There were times where you'd cursed her name and times where you just wanted to run to her and give her a tight hug. As cliche as it sounds, she'd always been your partner in crime, and Pansy being absent from your side for so long was starting to have an effect.

"I'll tell you in your dorm," Tracey says, cracking the smallest smile at Pansy, whose face lightens up at Tracey's minuscule grin. As much as you hated to admit it, it felt good to see Pansy happy. For the past months, she'd brought a looming cloud everywhere she went, and it was constantly dampening the mood in the dorm.

Tracey runs up to Pansy, and they hug right outside the door. Your heart pricks as they embrace each other. A strange envy flames up, and you're quick to extinguish the flames before they begin to burn.

Slowly, you walk the short distance back to your dorm. When you enter the room, Pansy sits at her desk, backward in her chair that swivels to face your bed, her chin resting on the headrest. . Tracey sits on the right side of your bed, holding one of your pillows on her lap. Your bed still being the bed for the three of you made you smile. 

Some things never change.

You hop next to Tracey, who looks hollowly at Pansy's empty side of the room. She jumps when you flop down beside her but then exhales with relief when she turns and sees that it's just you.

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now