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Draco Malfoy

As I walk through the corridors to class, I spot Y/N in the halls walking with Theo. Her hair shines in the sunlight, and she smiles, holding hands with Theo. Only now that I've seen her, my heart throbs in that ache, I'm so familiar with.

I haven't thought about Y/N in a while. I haven't seen her too much, either. We have classes together, of course, but I've learned to keep my distance. I've stopped trying to find comfort in Y/N. She's made it clear that she's moved on and no longer is interested in me at all. It's a painful fact to face, but it's one I've forced myself to deal with.

Y/N doesn't love me anymore, and that's that.

Do I still love her?

The answer I'll say no, but the answer I'll think is yes.

I sigh, turning around deciding to ditch class. Attending the lessons doesn't matter as long as I get good grades on the tests and quizzes. Instead of going to class, I go to my favorite abandoned corridor and just sit and drink.

I drink a lot less, but I still do. If my flask isn't with me at all times and I need it, and it's not there, my anxiety takes over. I don't like that I've become so dependent on alcohol, but at this point, I really don't care.

Through the spaces of the columns in the corridor, the sun peeks out from behind the clouds. Sometimes I forget that it's March, and then all it takes is one look at the bright blue sky. All year I've mostly kept inside, avoiding the breeze of the outdoors as much as possible. Even the Astronomy Tower is something that I've dropped.

It's strange to think I used to look at the sky for comfort. It's strange to think I used to look at the stars for comfort. Except, the stars weren't what comforted me. It was Y/N.

Our Star.

'Our Star' feels so far away now. Before, it was something I looked forward to because it meant Y/N. But now I wish it'd never even begun. I still remember how the first time I made fun of her for the obscure name. Little did I know I'd learn to try and keep it for as long as I could.

But now, 'Our Star' is dead because, well, all stars die


You knew it was late at night, and even the candles that never burn out seemed to be dimming. Just like almost every night, you lie beside Theo in his arms, head on his chest. Today Theo seemed to be more alive than usual. You weren't sure if he was really trying to move on through something or if he was just being ignorant.

"I don't remember NEWTs being so important, do you?" Theo jokes, tossing one of his books aside, and it slides on the hardwood floor.

"I don't, and it's all pointless anyway, isn't it?" You sigh, melting even deeper into Theo, becoming encased by the comfort and warmth he brought. When you look up into his eyes, they flicker for a second before returning to the same friendliness you fell for.

"Pointless? I guess so. Everybody's always talking about war. War this war that. Meanwhile, we're always getting homework. How oblivious do the professors have to fucking get?" He groans as he reaches over to his nightstand to grab his pack of cigarettes.

"I'm so done with NEWTs. At this point, I've given up," you grin, taking one of Theo's cigarettes and lighting it by snapping your fingers. Theo smiles at your accomplishment and does the same.

"That's the smart thing to do. I guess I'll just give up with you," Theo shrugs with his smile, inhaling his cigarette and letting out a slow exhale.

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now