ᴘᴀʀᴛ 26

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Thank you guys so freaking much for 13k. This is so freaking crazy. I had no idea I was this good, hah. Jkjk I'm not, but I can dream. Enjoy the part, and don't forget to vote!



"You made it," Fred exclaims, grinning, as you approach him in the Great Hall.

"I keep my word," you reply, waving hello.

You write your name under Fred's on the Sign-Out book before leaving the castle gates.

"How does Three Broomsticks sound?" He asks, stuffing his hands in pockets.

"Lead the way," you respond as you adjust the knitted mittens on your hands.

The two of you walk in the frigid weather, snow falling from the clouds resting on your shoulders and hair.

"Tell me, how was your Christmas holiday?" Fred asks as the both of you sit down at a table. Fred pulls out your chair for you.

"It was pretty boring. Not much happened," you say, hesitating before speaking. "How was your holiday?"

"It was alright. Ron got this horrid necklace from his girlfriend. What's her name again? I'm pretty sure it starts with an L?"

"Lavender Brown," you reply with a twinge of displeasure, thinking of the curly-haired Gryffindor girl.

"Right, Lavender, this necklace she gave Ron written on it was My Sweetheart you should've seen his face." Fred laughs, "It was awful."

"Merlin, that sounds bad. She really did that?" You ask, shaking your head while giggling.

"She did; when he took it out of the box, the entire room fell silent, but only for a millisecond then everybody burst out laughing. Except for mum and dad, of course, but I'm pretty sure dad was hiding a grin."

The waitress walks up to take your orders, both of you order butterbeer.

"Can we go to Madame Puddifoot's after this? I know the place is awful, but she makes an amazing lemon cake."

"I've never stepped foot in that place. She must make very; good lemon cake, I am intrigued."

"It's amazing, the best lemon cake I've ever had. It's fluffy and has a sugar coating on the edges." You say between sips of butterbeer.

"Well, if it's as good as you say it is, we must go." He decides, smirking.

You pay for your drink, insisting that you do so before setting off the Madame Puddifoot's.

Upon entering the tea shop, the scent of freshly brewed tea and baked goods wafts through the air. The obnoxious pink color that was extremely overused surrounds; and suffocates you. You and Fred wait in a line full of couples. Once at the register, you order and pay for three slices of lemon cake. You watch as the counter girl slices three large portions of lemon cake before placing them in a pink plastic container.

"One is for Pansy," you say as you notice Fred's slight confusion at the extra slice.

You thank the girl before rushing out of the eye-exhausting shop.

You and Fred walk around in the freezing temperature nibbling on the lemon cake that rests between bright pink napkins.

"Holy shit, this cake is good," Fred says wide-eyed as he takes his first bite.

"I know, right? I was shocked when I tried it for the first time, Pansy forced me to come to check out once." You reply, grinning, taking a bite of the decadent dessert. "Now we only go inside for this cake."

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