A Dream Land

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Summary: tommy breaks his arm and meets a boy in the hospital

Tw: blood, major character death, mentions of death
Tommy opened his eyes slowly, seeing white.
White curtains, white lights, white sheets, white walls.
He recognized the place as a hospital.

"Tommy, youre an idiot"

Tommy looked to where the voice came from

"Sorry Techno"

The maksed man sighed, ruffling Tommys hair.

"No worries bud, just be more careful."

Techno smiled a rare smile at Tommy, Tommy giving one back.

"The doctors said you'd be in here for 3 weeks until your arms healed up"

Tommy nodded and layed back down,

"I have to get home to dad and Will, see you tomorrow Tom"

Tommy looked to his bedside table, there lay a couple books (hes definitely gonna burn those later) and his phone; together with his charger.

He grabbed his phone and got on twitter.

He spent about 3 hours on there, seeing plenty of new drama spreading.

He was bored out of his mind.

He stood from his bed, the blonde boy most definitely breaking plenty of rules by just doing that one movement, and walked to the door.

He twisted the door knob.

There were a couple of doctors and nurses out.
He slipped past them all, going into another random hallway.

He looked over at the doors, all labled C level, with their own door numbers.

A nurse stepped into the hallway, Tommy, not wanting to be caught, slithered into the room closest to him.

Room: "C 214"

He looked out the room window, and saw the nurse walk by.

He sighed,

"Thank go-"
Tommy was quickly caught by someone saying


Tommy stopped himself from screaming loudly.

"Uhm, are you going to kill me?"

Tommy looked over at the person spouting out the words.

It was a pale looking boy, with fluffy brown hair, that seemed a bit greasy, and blue eyes.

He looked closer and saw that the boy had special eyes, they were a swirled blue and brown, paired with strange goat horns.

"No, im not gonna kill you"

The brunette boy looked around his age, him being 16.

"Well uhhh, im Tubbo"

The boy now known as Tubbo smiled at him


Tubbo smiled, "whatcha doin here?"

"Nurse almost caught me lurking the hallways"

Tubbo hummed, "ive never tried to sneak around before"

The brunette chuckled, "its not like i can stand anyway"

Tommy cocked an eyebrow at him

"Whaddyou mean?"
The blonde asked

"I mean that Im not gonna live much longer, not being able to stand is just one of the small downsides of Cancer"

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