Christmas Ribbons, And Long Speeches

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•Character death
Summary: [Au set for the lmanburg festival(when techno killed Tubbo)] Tubbo sits by a grave, then goes and gives a speech, done with schlatts shit.

(not edited, and not very gud sry <3<3<3)

Tubbo sat in the rain, next to yellow daisies, Tommys favorite flowers.
He was leaning against a tree, its been there since the beginning.
The beginning of everything, just like Tommy.
Tommy was there for all the wars, the ones he may or may not have caused.
Tubbo and Tommy, the two best friends.
Tubbo looked down to the newly dug and put back pile of dirt next to him.
He extended bis wrist, not planning on touching the grave, but, to feel Tommy's energy, if that makes sense.

He glanced at his wrist and saw The red ribbon. He smiled at it.
"Merry Christmas Tubbo!"
Tommy smiled at Tubbo, and handed him a horribly wrapped gift.
"Merry Christmas Tommy!"
Tubbo gave Tommy the gift he carefully made.
"Open yours first!" Tommy yelled, more wholesome than usual.
Tubbo tore the wrapping paper off, to find it was wrapping a cardboard box. He opened the box and pulled out the nicely folded red ribbon
"I love it!"
"Thats good! I got one for me too!"
Tommy yelled back, excited.
Tommy helped Tubbo tie the ribbon to his wrist, tubbo doung the same, helping tommy with his own green ribbon.
"Whatd you get me?"
"Open it"
Tommy ripped open the nicely wrapped gift
He pulled out 3 discs
"Wha- how?"
Tommy sputtered out
"Dreams been off for a while, it was easy to get, aswell as getting more than the one dream had"
Tommy hugged tubbo tight
"Tubbo" Tommy spoke
"TUBBO!" Tommy spoke, but his mouth didnt move
Tubbo jumped
Fundy was standing over him

"Schlatt... needs us, the festival is starting."
Fundy said

Tubbo stood, saying bye to Tommy, he put his bee plush down under the tree, and by the rock, resembling a grave stone.

He ran to the podium.

Schlatt said

"Yes schlatt?"
"Come up here and start your speech"

"Hi! Welcome to the Lmanburg festival,
Let me just start off with this..."
Tubbo had been planning this ever since tommy died... he wrote it, memorized it, and now, is gonna speak from his broken and anger filled heart
"This place has gone to shit
The one thing that kept it up has been brutally murdered, in front of my own two fucking eyes..."

Schlatt looked shocked, quackity too.

Everyone looked at him, wide eyed.
Tubbos mouth turned into a sort of sadistic smile, red glowing off of his normal brown eyesm
"But nobody truly cares, the ones Tommy cared for, now only focus on chaos..."

JSchlatt ran to tubbo, trying to stop him

"I will avenge him..."
Tubbo quickly swiped his sword up to schlatts neck

"It was a fair decision the people made, I'll give you that, but it was a wrong one"

Tubbo spoke to schlatt

"Ill be sure to clean up their mess. You messed up schlatt, as soon as you sent Tommy and Wilbur away, you were doomed to be killed. Dream, quackity, fundy, everyone, you dare stop what I do, and you will die the same death schlatt will soon come to.
I wont give you the pain of seeing someone you care for be killed in front of your eyes, I'll spare you that, but I will be sure to rebuild the shit this place has gone to.
George, wake the fuck up and get Wilbur for me, hes standing atop of the building.
Quackity, be a doll and go to the coordinates **********, destroy the button, everyone else, dig underground and look for the tnt, Tommy wouldve wanted this place to live.
I wont ever deny him that"

Tubbo stopped, taking a breath

"It was meant to be"

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