"I know" pt4

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Oneshot made by 001-woof, i love them to death ):]]
Go check them out! Theyre amazing!!!
Summary: I know pt4
Tw: none

When Sleepy Bois Inc. and the two brothers got to the sbi household, Phil restarted on dinner as it was kinda ruined by the issue.

Techno, Wilbur and Dream were hanging out in the den, Wilbur playing guitar and the other two singing (NOT A SHIP, just friends being friends), laughing, and all three just talking.

Tommy and Tubbo watching a movie and platonicly cuddling.

"Dinner is done!" Phil shouted at the 5 children.
The older boys laughing died down but their smiles never left, Wilbur went to go set the table, Techno helped Phil finish the dishes (dishing out food and making it look nice) and Dream went to go get the younger boys.

"Aww, poor things. You guys must have been so tired." Dream mumbled after walking in on the two boys sleep cuddling.

he took a few pictures and then left the room.

"Hey, the two boys are asleep. I say we just save their dishes for later." Dream said walking in.

"Alright, what do you guys think we should have planned for tomorrow? I think those two deserve a bit of a break." Phil said after setting down the plates on the table, Wilbur saved two plates of food for Tommy and Tubbo in the oven.

"I think we can wake em up in a few hours, they need some rest right now. After they eat we can just play games and watch movies. However Dream, what does Tubbo enjoy doing?" Techno asked the man staring at his phone. He looked up.

"Hm? Oh! Yea sorry about that, he likes  going to the beach and hanging out at the park!" Dream told the pink haired man with a smile, then he showed his phone screen to Wilbur.

"Awwwee, you need to send that to me! That is not only gonna be blackmail but it's so cute." Wilbur said in response to the photo.

"What?" Techno glanced at the two boys giggling at the comment.

Dream showed Phil and Techno the picture, they both laughed as they enjoyed their meal.

"That's great, you need to send that to all of us" Techno laughed.

Two hours later "Hm?" Tubbo was the first to wake up, he was still a bit sleepy though. He hugged Tommy closer, "Eh? Oh hey Tubbs"

Tommy sounded drowsy, he did just wake up after all.

They stayed there for around 10 more minutes, then they walked out to the living room. "UNO!" Wilbur shouted.

"Ok that's not fair, he's cheating" Techno said in response.

Dream started laughing, "Techno you always have next round, Wilbur I'm trusting you"

Phil glared at the man in a red beanie as they all started laughing.

"Hey Dre, whats going on here?" Tubbo asked while Tommy went to grab some food.

"Oh, hey bud. Were just playing Uno you two can join us after you eat, food is in the oven" Dream said in response.

It's hot Tommy, try not to burn yourself (again)" Techno sighed as Wilbur giggled.

"I'll be fineeeee" Tommy brushed Techno off, "Famous last words" Wilbur mumbled with a chuckle.

They continued hanging out for the rest of the night, watching movies, playing games, even going on walks.

Then it was time for bed, Techno and Will went to their room. Phil went to his, Tommy took Tubbo to his as they were gonna share a room, and Dream slept in the guest room.

The next day Dream was cooking, he made omurice. (I want omurice T^T)

"What. Is. THAT?!" the three brothers shouted together, Phil sat there in shock and Tubbo? Well uhh

"Thanks for breakfast big brother Dre!" Tubbo said as he took his plate.

Sleepy bois did end up eating the meal, and they did like it but they had to hurry up as they had plans.

Phil called the school and called in a sick day for all the boys.

They went to the park first, Dream pushed Tubbo on the swings as Techno pushed Tommy and Wilbur,

"Poor Techno, right Tomms?" Tubbo giggled and the rest of them gave a chuckle.

Next the younger boys played tag while the older ones rested on the swings.

Near the end of the trip they did a piggyback race with Tubbo on Dream's back, Tommy on Techno's and Wilbur on Phil's.

Then they raced to the beach, "Come on Wilby! Hurry up!" Tommy shouted not realizing what he had said.

Wilbur teased Tommy as they walked over.

Dream, Techno and Tubbo racing each other to the edge of the water and Phil was supervising from the very back.

They all played in the water and built a huge sand castle together.

Tommy got splashed by Tubbo and Techno was splashed by Wilbur.

All in all, I think they would all say it was a very successful trip, even if Techno didn't want to go in the water.
(he went in anyway, someone has to be a first responder)

Again, thankyou 001-woof for making this chapter!

Im afraid thats the last part of "I know"  in this oneshot book, but, if you guys enjoyed these, me and 001-woof are going to make a whole 'nother book with this au! Ill post a seperate chapter letting you know when its out!

Thankyou all so much for the support! I truly appreciate it!

Chapters might be slowed down a bit more due to school (ew).

Thankyou all for reading! Ly birbs! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

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