"Our Land!"

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Summary: Tommy and Tubbo

assasin Au, job is to kill Dream

Tw: murder, poisin, ball room, dance, description of murder, blood, blood gushing, running away from the scene of the crime, punching, violence
(Tell me if I missed any! <3)

"Pay attention Tommy, this is for Lmanburg, for Wilbur"

"I know Tubbo"

They were watching a ball happen, people coming in, and eventually leaving

"TOMS! LOOK" Tubbo whisper yelled

They saw the man, green as can be.

He was walking with his 'friend' George(notfound).

"When do we go?"

Tommy asked. Tubbo was smarter, Tommy was stronger, thats why they were the perfect pair.


Tubbos grabbed Tommys hand, and they walked in with their masquerade masks.

"Act like you dont know the man, and get rid of the accent"

They were walking towards dream


Tommy said with the most American accent he could muster up

"Hello! Uhm, excuse me y'all, were trying to get to the punch if you dont mind"

Tubbo spoke with the best southern accent he could do.

Dream nodded, and him and George moved aside

Tubbo saw the cup dream was holding, and grabbed two otheres, putting poisin in his own without the others noticing.

Tommy took and drank his, looking at Tubbo, assuring him that he could do it

Tubbo was a great assasin, he just got nervous every time he had to do something

"So, whats y'alls name?"

Tubbo asked Dream and George

Tommy just stood next to Tubbo, sipping his drink

"Oh, uh, im George, and this is Dream"

The blue man smiled.

Dream had a blank expression on his face.

"So, what brings you two to this here party?"

Tommy asked

"If you were invited, then you'd know why"

Dream said, sternly

"Ahhh, sorry! Tom- I mean Calvin has been a little off lately"

Tubbo said, quickly saving Tommy

Tommy sipped his drink, letting Tubbo do the talking, so he didn't mess it up again

"Im gonna go to the bathroom, ill be back"

Dream spoke, quietly,

"Alright" George responded

Dream set his cup down on the table

Tubbo elbowed Tommy softly, hiding it well

"So, George, I have a question. Nobody Ive asked so far has answered it"

George nodded

"Whats an STD?"

Tubbo switched his and dreams cup, making sure the amount of punch looked the same

"I-I uhm, I dont know if I-"


Tubbo said, acting 'stern'

Tommy rolled his eyes,

"Yeah, yeah, sorry"

Tubbo laughed

"So, youre Calvin? And who are you"

George spoke looking at Tubbo

"Oh, I'm Robin!"

George smiled, extending his hand out to shake Tubbos

Tubbo shook georges, being cautious

They taked until Dream got back

Dream grabbed his cup, drinking a giant gulp of the red liquid

Tommy smiled, Tubbo doing the same

Dream coughed, clutching his stomach

Tommy grabbed his knife from his pocket, looking at Tubbo for assurance

Tubbo nodded and walked behind Dream

"You okay, Dream?"

Tubbo said

George set his cup down, hand on dreams back

Tommy walked up to George, punching him directly in the jaw

Tubbo kicked dream over, letting Tommy have the kill

Tommy gripped his knife and dug it deep into dreams back, blood gushed everywhere

Everyone had started panicking at this point, leaving

Tubbo gripped Toms shoulder

"We need to go, now"

Tommy nodded, pulling his knife out of dream, blood splattered across his face and body

Tubbo and Tommy ran out, heading straight to the forest, going back to their headquarters

"That was fun!" Tommy yelled, while wind lashed at his face due to running in the forest

"It was!" Tubbo giggled, running next to Tommy

"That green man cant touch us no moe' "

Tubbo smiled,

"Our land!"

Tommy laughed

"Our Lmanburg!"

Forgot I had this-

Tell me what you think-?
Im personally a little iffy about it :p

I cant tell whether I like it or not :l

Hope you enjoyed anways!
Bai my birbs!
Love you! <3

Join my discord if u want!

Imma keep telling u abt it in the A/ns at the end of chapters, so just skip the words after the "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" if you dont wanna hear it :)

Link: https://discord.gg/pRaV73ertE

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