Poetic ends, and Symbolical happiness

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Summary: forget the happiness, pine on poems
Word count (before this part): 1164
Tw: blood, major character deaths, murder, explosions
Happy, a term used for people who are experiencing a good time, and letting it resonate with a smile.

The color that usually represented happiness is yellow, but Tubbos were weird

He had an obsession with Green, Red, and White.

Tubbo never understood the feeling of joy, he didnt know if his smile was real, or just a mask he had unwillingly put on.

When Tubbo sees Tommy, he smiles

When Tubbo sees Dream, he smiles

When Tubbo sees Ranboo, he smiles.

Who knows if theyre fake, the bee boy sure doesnt.

But, either way, he takes the feeling with pride.

Happiness is not something you get often, fake or not.

When he smiles, he can feel the glow of his eyes travel to his brain, the nerves shooting the feeling to the rest of his body.

Tubbos smile has always been the brightest, maybe because he doesnt do it consistently, so its like hes saved up the action.

Maybe a smile, or laugh, is like a charged attack, hitting your friends with a feeling of love.

Maybe its a way to blind yourself from the dark, the light beam shining your path.

Even so, the light never lasts forever.

There comes a time when you feel sad. When you feel like the whole world is pushing you to be happy, but you cant get yourself to experience it.

You don't know the reason you cant feel joy, you dont know if its because a problem youve identified, or one deep within yourself.

Tubbos problems always got solved
Though, he never seemed to smile at the solutions.

He only smiled at those three people.

His smile was brighter than a sun, his eyes glimmered with passion and bravery, and his hands shivered with pride.

But it all faded, everything fades.

Dream, Ranboo, and Tommy.

Tubbo found out that his smile wasnt the light source, only the moon in the solar system. The happiness those three people gave him only bounced off his toothy grin.

No wonder his smile seemed less bright each time they left.

It was Dream first.

He'd thought Dream had gone insane, high with power.

Tubbo, when thinking that, promised hed never turn out like him, manipulative, angry, scary.

Dream had become Tubbos nightmares for months upon end.

Until he learned

Those months, instead of seeing dreams crazy sadistic smile, he'd rewitness the death of his brother.

In the last moment of it all, when Tubbo was to be killed by Techno, he was saved.

The seemingly drunk with power man saved him from the launcher.

He called himself a god

Thats how Tubbo found that even gods could die.

♡~ Tubbo + Tommyinnit ~ Oneshots ~♡Where stories live. Discover now