"We'll be happy either way"

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Ooooo, fancy
Summary: i have no clue
Tw: none
A sparkle hit his eye, a ring shimmering in the moonlight

Tubbo stood before him

"Youre dead..."

Tommy exhaled slowly

"Well, im here now"

Tubbo shook his head

"I-I, n-no, youre not r-real"

Tommy smiled

"Im real Tubbo"

The brunette laughed quietly

"I mourned for you, I went through all that pain... for nothing?"

Tommy frowned

"Im sorry, Tubbo"

The bee boy shook

"I went to your funeral, I spoke for you, I cried for you, I spent multiple nights being restless just for you to come back and tell me that we need to kill dream?"

Tommy took a step closer

"Get away from me"


"GET AWAY" Tubbo yelled, tears in his eyes

Tommy stood still, shocked


Tommy closed his eyes

"I know"


"I know buzz"


"I know"

"You broke a promise"

Tubbo fell to the ground, Tommy walked towards him quietly

"Youre not allowed to break promises"

"I know"

"But you did"

"I know bud"

"I missed you so much"

"I missed you too"

"But you left me, you did it, you said you would always be here"

Tommy crouched down next to Tubbo

"I know"

"I dont want you to leave"

Tommy smiled and hugged Tubbo

"I wont, I promise I wont, never again"

"How long until youre forced to?"

Tubbo hugged Tommy back

"Who knows"

"I dont think I can handle you dying again"

"Then lets kill dream, or die together trying"

Tubbo smiled

"Your plans never work"

Tommy laughed

"Everything will work out"

Tubbo nodded

"We'll be happy either way"

Woah, I published something

♡~ Tubbo + Tommyinnit ~ Oneshots ~♡Where stories live. Discover now