"I know" Pt2

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Tw: abuse, violence, blood
Summary (of part 2 and 3):
dream tubbo brotherly luv, Tommy and tubbo luv, sbi and dream grow closer, tubbo father mean.

"So, dreams your brother?"

Tommy asked tubbo.
They were sitting on tommys bed, feeling safe in eachothers presence.
Tubbo was sitting in tommys lap, tommy was playing with tubbos hair.

"Why doesnt he live with you?"

Tubbos eyes started to water.
Tommy noticed and hugged tubbo, tight.

"My dad... kicked him out. Dreams now working as much as he can so me and him can live together, away from him"

Tubbo smiled, a single tear falling down his face as he did.

"You and him are the best things that i have..."

Tubbo sat up, turning around.

Tubbo put his hands on tommys cheeks,
"I cant loose you, please promise you wont leave me"

Tommy smiled,
"I wouldnt be able to breathe without you, tubbo"

Tubbos face scrunched up as he was attempting not to cry anymore.
Tom put his head in tubbos hair,
"I wouldnt be me, without you"

"Youre cruel man"
Tubbo lifted his wrist and wiped his face free of salty droplets.

Tommy chuckled

"Tubbo!" Phil called from downstairs.

The two boys ran out of the room to go see the man.

"Yeah phil?"

"Well, uhm..m if youre okay with it, since dreams your brother, I invited him over for dinner"

Tubbo smiled, and nodded, quickly.
Tommy chuckled along with Phil.

Tubbos eyes watered, and his smile somehow grew bigger.

Tubbo ran to hug phil
"THANKYOU!" A tear ran down phils face.

"Love you, son"

Tubbos eyes went wide, and hugged Phil even tighter.


Tommy and tubbo were sitting on the couch, watching a movie with techno.
Phil and Wilbur were cooking dinner.

Tommy had tears brimming his eyes, tubbo laughed
"Its not funny" tommy went grumpy
Tubbo hugged him, making tommy put down the act.

All of a sudden, they heard knocks on the door

Tubbo jumped up, and ran to the door.

He opened it quickly, "DREA-"

"Shut up"

Tubbo opened his eyes, hands dropping in realization

"Thought youd be here, brat. Were going home"

Tubbos father grabbed his wrist tight.

Tubbo looked back to tommy and the others,
"TUBBO NO!" Tommy yelled, phil was holding him back from killing the man dragging tubbo.



"Do you really think im so stupid that i wouldnt know where you were?"

Tubbos father laughed, "i think you deserve a punishment"

Tubbo gulped

Tubbos father grabbed his belt off the counter next to him.

"If you cry, itll be worse"


Phil was comforting Tommy, Wilbur and Techno were coming up with a plan to get Tubbo back.

*knock knock*

Wil went to open the door.

He saw a wide smile, dream was beaming
"Hey wil! Wheres tubbo?"

"Your dad..."

Dreams smile faded

"Im gonna kill him..."

Dream started,

"Hes dead"

Part three out soon!!!

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