Experimental Horns pt2

822 52 10

This is trash, but I hope you enjoy anyways?
Summary: Tubbo gets scared, and Tommy reassures him that they'll help Dream
Tw: crying, mention of dream :), let me know if I missed anything
Didnt have much time to edit, sorry! <3


3354 stood in the room, drinking his water

He heard footsteps stumbling down stairs, creaking wood showing through now and again

"Okay, be nice, I dont think he likes talking" phil spoke quietly

Tubbo saw 4 children coming out of the dark hallway

One had blonde hair, with a red and white shirt. He had small grey wings, bright blue hands, and white fingers

Another was a brunette, he had a yellow sweater on, with golden eyes. He had wings that rested on his back lightly, they looked soft

The 3rd was a tall pink haired man, he had long ears, they seemed to fade into a pink color, and he was wearing a golden crown, with golden jewelry everywhere

The last one was about double his height, he had a black and a white side, he seemed very skinny.

"Hello! Im Wilbur!" The one in the yellow sweater spoke

Tubbo looked shocked

Seeing other people is something the boy wasnt used to

"Im Ranboo" the tall one said quietly

Tubbo gave him a questioning look

"Hallo" the one with pink hair said

Tubbo walked over to him and pointed at the crown

Techno smiled

"Youre a weird orphan, phil gave me this when he first found me"

Tubbo looked at it in amazement

It had gems littering the base of the crown, with an emerald sitting in the middle on the front of the crown

Tubbo turned to his side and looked to the boy that hasnt spoken yet

The one with a weird shirt looked up

"Oh, Im Tommy"

Tubbo smiled

He walked over to the blonde boy, and pointed at his wings, then pointed at phils and Wilbur's

Phil spoke "Me, Tommy, and Wilbur are all hybrids with birds, so we have wings"

Tubbo nodded

Tubbo stepped over to Ranboo

He looked up at him

Ranboo smiled shyly

Tubbo pointed to the enderman hybrids horns, then reached up to his head, uncovering his own

Ranboo had a look of amazement on his face

"Thats cool! Are you a hybrid aswell?"

3354 nodded

"Alright, ill get started on dinner everyone!"

Tubbo gave him a look of confusion

"Oh, uhm, food. Ill make food"

Tubbo nodded happily

All the 'kids' went to the living room, Tubbo dragging Techno to sit with him on the floor

Techno smiled and sat with him

Tubbo looked at all the jewelry closer, in specific, technos earings that hung low on his pig ears

"Theyre cool huh?"

Tubbo nodded

Tubbo stood up, Techno not moving

He walked around Techno in a circle, looking at the crown he saw earlier

"Is Techno getting along with an orphan?" Tommy laughed

Tubbo looked at Tommy and walked over to him

The blonde boy looked at him

3354 touched Tommys hair, smiling as it bounced back to the original place it was before he moved it

Wilbur turned on the television, a movie covered the screen

They watched the movie until the food was done

"Alright, come eat!"

They all stood up and sat down

Tubbo sat in the only space that was free

Phil looked at Tubbo closely, hoping for a good reaction to his cooking

Tubbo moved the spoon full of soup into his mouth, swallowing

Tubbo looked down

"T-Thankyo-ou f-for the f-food" Tubbo spoke, his voice messing up alot, but doing good considering the fact he hadnt spoke for years

Phil was beaming, his smile growing wider and wider, until he saw a drop of water on the table


3354 dropped the spoon, standing up quickly

His pupils seemed to get smaller and smaller as he looked at everything around him

He backed up slowly

Phil stood, "Tubbo?"

"Meal three of the day, eat quickly, they'll get mad if they find out I fed you"

Tubbo smiled, taking the food and eating it

The man with the mask looked around anxiously

Tubbo heard the hissing of the door opening

"Oh no" The masked man said

Tubbo backed away, scared

The masked man hugged him,

"Dont worry, Ill protect you, you'll be okay"

Tubbo felt a pair of arms wrap around him

"Youre okay"

Tubbo cried into the persons chest

"I got you"

"Theyre going to h-hurt him"

Tubbo spoke quietly

"Who are they going to hurt?"

"The masked man, he helped me, dont let him die for me"

Tubbo clenched his fists tighter

"He saved me"

The boy hugging the other ruffled his hair

"We'll save him, dont worry"

Tubbo looked up to Tommys eyes

"What if they already got him?"

Tommy sighed

"I promise Tubbo, hes okay"

Tubbo smiled

"Okay... okay"

Tommy hugged him

"Dream helped me too"

Tubbo looked at him with gleeful eyes

"He helped all of us out, were alive because of him"

"We wont let him down, okay bud?"

Tubbo smiled


♡~ Tubbo + Tommyinnit ~ Oneshots ~♡Where stories live. Discover now