Experimental Horns (pt1)

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Summary: 3354 gets a questionable family
Tw: Experiments, Syringes, injection of liquids, blood, runaway, creepy car(?)
(Tell me if I missed any)
"Test subject 3354 has shown improvement, and works well by itself, not seeming to need another counterpart."

3354, the numbers tattooed on the brunettes neck.

It has been there for years, an amount it couldnt count.

Syringe after syringe, injecting unknown liquids into its blood, swishing it around like you would with a smoothie.

It has never had a friend, maybe it was because it was to busy being experimented on.

"Subject 3354 has had much trouble reading, but it excells in alot of other things, some examples are chess, puzzle solving, and surviving in places it shouldnt be able to"

It had planned to escape for years, succeeding in doing so eventually.

It never knew the outside world was this cruel, if it did, it mightve opted to stay.

"Subject 3354 has taken a liking to bees, nobody knows why. Perhaps we can get it to talk, weve been teaching it since it was created. The only sounds it produces is pained yells when we put him through those tests."

The subject had ran for miles away from where it was tortured, finding a beaten down town, where no one seemed to live.

"Subject 3354's appearance is very human like. It has pale white skin, with brown and blue eyes, its eyes are that way for numerous reasons. Mostly because of the animal blood weve injected into its parents, who have died from experimenting we later conducted on them. It has brown hair, following after its human 'mother' and horns, taking after its goat 'father'."

The subject never saw any other 'human' being, it only saw the white suits the people it talked to always wore.

"The subject has shown to be smart in many ways. When shown a challenge it knows it cannot overcome, it retreats, finding new ways to get over it."

3354 walked around the besten down town. No actual civilization for miles.

It was alone.

Completely, and utterly alone.

"Subject 3354 has escaped. Im silently hoping its able to make it out there. Of course, if anyone heard this, id be exterminated immediently."

The subject walked along the old sidewalks of the ghost town.

Every now and then, itd see light blue shapes, they looked like 'humans', but they wouldnt talk, they wouldnt move, they wouldnt breathe.

They only just stood there, it creeped 3354 out.

"Theres nothing within days if travel here. Im worried for the goat boy. In hopes of it surviving, I sent a friend of mine to pick it up. It has only had 16 years of life, it cant survive on its own for long."

3354's ears perked up, it heard something

It sounded like, rumbling? And it smelled of a weird smell, though the subject enjoyed the difference in its nose.

"They should be there soon. The subject, 3354, should be safe in his arms soon. Hopefully with some other children to keep it company"

It looked at where the sound was producing from.

In the distance it saw a black machine.

Its was moving closer at a steady pace.

"Hopefully 3354 doesnt get scared and run away. If it does, im afraid, it wont be able to be caught again. From experience, I know how fast it can run. Its one of its greatest attributes."

3354 approached the things wearily, eyes gleaming in the moonlight.

The machine came to a stop right next to the goat boy.

"Im afraid this is my time to run. I wish luck to 3354, it deserves more than what its been given. I need to hide these recordings, if theyre found, im afraid ill be killed on the spot. Dream, out-"

The machines windows rolled down, revealing a pale man, with blonde hair, balancing a green and white hat on its head.

The man stepped out of the car, 3354 shrinking upon instinct, crouching on the ground.

"Hello child"

The man smiled

"Im phil!"

3354 stood slightly, hands shaling slightly

"You must be 3354"

The subject nodded

"We should get you a better name than that, huh?"

3354 stood up completely, beaten down clothes resting upon its body.

"Come on, its time to go home"

Phil held his hand out, waiting for the kid to grab on.

3354 got the hint and held one of his fingers.

They got in the machine, now known as a car.

"How long have you been out here?"

Phil asked.

3354 didnt say anything, and only sat quietly, fiddling with the so called seatbelt thats hugging his chest.

"Not cery talkative, huh? I guess thats expected, knowing what youve been through"

Hours later, they stopped at a house.

It had tall white walls, a brown door, with brown-ish shingles on the roof to match.

Phil got out of the car, going to 3354's door, and opening it. Unbuckling its seatbelt aswell.

3354 hopped out, grabbing phils finger again.

The blonde man looked down at the boy and smiled a warm smile.

"Youre about to meet some people, their names are Techno, hes a pig hybrid, Wilbur, hes a human, and Tommy, hes a bird hybrid. Theyre all my adopted sons, and now, so are you, if youre good with that?"

3354 nodded

They approached the door, opening it slowly.

Phil then closed it quietly, and went to the kitchen with 3354.

"You want some water?"

3354 gave him a questioning glance

Phil grabbed a cup, filled it with the clear liquid, and gave it to the boy.

3354 took it, sniffing it wearily.

He drank it, taking a small sip.

3354 smiled at phil, happy to get something.

"Im gonna go get the people I told you about, stay here"

Sorry for not posting in so long, I hope you enjoyed this! Part 2 will be out (hopefully) soon!

The snow storms are over, and the power is back! So hopefully updates will come out regularly again!

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Bai meh birbs!!!

Stay safe! :)))


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