Part 3

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It was the 20th of December and Danielle and Stefania was at Danielle's place. By the door stood her bags of clothes and stuff for Jeff.
They had planned to drive to Danielle's mom's place the next day.
Both of them were cuddled up on the couch watching some Christmas movie on Netflix.
"Okay but how is she straight? Like seriously?" Danielle giggled pointing at one of the characters.
Stefania nodded laughing with her "yeah no way. Although... You pretend to be straight and nobody's been quite suspicious right?"
"True" Danielle answered.
Danielle felt a bit weird around Stefania after she came out but it didn't take long for that to fade. They were both really comfortable around each other and Danielle reached a point where she felt she was okay to make jokes like that. It took her a lot longer to get to that point with most her other friends.
She and Stefania did play a couple after all. But that was all it was.... playing. Pretending.
Danielle sighed frustrated and complete lost in her thoughts.
"What's going on Bella?" Stefania asked.
"Huh? What?" Danielle was caught off guard.
"You seemed a bit... I don't know. Sad? Frustrated? Wanna share...?" Stefania asked smiling.
"Well... I... There's this person that I like..." Danielle stuttered.
"And? What about her? Do you have a picture? Is she hot?" Stefania immediately asked, making Danielle even more nervous than she already was. She didn't know why she was even telling Stefania this.
"I... I don't have picture. But she's hot" Danielle said with her eyes roaming Stefania body. The brunette didn't even notice.
"But there's a problem... Like big time. She doesn't know I like her and..."
"So tell her" Stefania jumped in.
"Yeah well she's straight." Danielle sighed.
"Oh sorry. Didn't know that." Stefania apologized.
After a few second of silence she continued " but I get how you feel. Highschool sucked... I constantly got crushed on straight girls. Gosh I'm glad I got over that." Stefania laughed thinking back.
Danielle just stared at her in shock and utter confusing. "You...." was all her brain could get out"
Stefania broke down laughing.
"Wait? You didn't know I like girls too? I'm bi. I thought I was being obvious..." she couldn't stop laughing.
"I... Wow. I had no idea. Oh my god"
"Remember on the live when I told you my first kiss was actually with a girl... That was just me kinda hinting at it. I mean... I never really officially said anything but I just don't really care." Stefania explained.
"Oh... So when we were talking about the Kinsey scale...?" Danielle asked.
"Yeah" Stefania laughed again.
"Oh my god. So you were probably suspicious of me from the start, huh?"
"Well you plaid the straight girl pretty well but at some point..." Stefania kept on laughing.
They fell asleep tangled in each other's arms that night.

The next morning they'd planned to get up early but both were surprised by the alarm at 6am. They'd planned to be at Danielle's mom's place by lunch. 
Danielle slowly opened her eyes almost blinded by the bright light coming into her window. She blinked a few times until she even realize where she was. On her couch all tangled up with her favorite person. She stared at her for a few seconds, barely moving before Stefania too woke up looking really confused.
"Hi" she whispered to Danielle. "H-hi" Danielle said flustered. Of only Stefania knew how she felt.
Stefania smiled and turned around to get up. While Danielle was tempted to just pull her back she knew it'd make things weird and she certainly didn't think she could deal with that.
She heard Stefania making breakfast so she got up and went in her direction. "I'll go up and shower, k?" Danielle asked the brunette. She just nodded putting Jeff's food down.
After her shower Danielle went to the kitchen to see Stefania already putting the French toast on their plates.
They ate in silence. But it wasn't uncomfortable for either of them well besides Danielle trying very hard not to make her cush on the angel opposite her even more obvious than it already was.

Half an hour later everything was clean and back where it belonged and all their stuff was in Danielle's car. She decided to drive first so that later on she could text her mom. She was so excited yet scared to see everyone. They also didn't know she was gay but she was terrified they'd notice her crush on Stefania. At the same time she just wanted them to meet the amazing woman that Stefania was.

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