part 10

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"Hey..." Danielle walked into the living room where Stefania was playing with Ally. She absolutely loves the sight and wished that maybe one day they could have that happy family she'd always wanted.
"Hi bambina" Stefania answered smiling at the blonde.
"So.. I have a little something planned for today so as much as I hate to tear your two apart...  We kinda have to get going." Danielle said hesitantly.
"K. You heard what she said. I'll see you later" Stefania said as she got up messing with Ally's hair.
"Hey. Don't do that to my hair " she giggled.

Soon they were out of the house and on their way.
"So where exactly are we going?" Stefania asked.
"Oh uhm... I wanna just show you around town... You know. I grew up here and there are so many memories" Danielle smiled just thinking about some.
"Okay." Stefania smiled.
10 minutes later they'd reached the local highschool.
"So.. this is my highschool." Danielle stopped walking. "Gosh all the crap that's happened here" she laughed. It's been years and she was finally able to laugh. Stefania gave her a questioning look and Danielle started explaining "well... first few years typically highschool stuff except I was in the closet so that just sucked... And uhm... Remember the girl I told you about, my first girlfriend?"
"Yeah" Stefania nodded.
"Well we secretly went to our senior prom together. "As friends". And at the end of it my father came to pick me up"
They started slowly walking to the nearby park.
"And he caught us making out in the corner of a hallway..." Danielle sighed.
Stefania about knew what to expect next as she'd gotten to know her father's opinions quite clearly over the last few days. She put her arm around Danielle who first was slightly uncomfortable with the public affection thing but soon relaxed as she noticed nobody was even there.
"And he ran at us screaming. And pulled me away from her, straight back to his car. Didn't talk to me all the way home and not at home either. When my mom was out grocery shopping with my sister the next day he started screaming at me how disgusting I was and that he'd throw me out if he ever saw me doing "something like that" again. And I told him I'm not a dyke and all that... God I felt so horrible about myself. But that seemed to make him at least tolerate me in his house." A few tears were rolling down Danielle's cheeks now. Stefania tried to wipe them away but there was no use.
"And our relationship wasn't the best before but after that... We barely talked at all" she sighed. Stefania softly stroked her back and she started leaning into her side as well. She hasn't talked about this to anyone. Ever.
They walked in quiet for a little while and Danielle eventually felt better.
"Have you ever... told anyone that?" Stefania asked.
Danielle shook her head. She didn't feel like talking at all.
"Well thank you for telling me bella" Stefania smiled.
Danielle looked up at her and that was all it took for Stefania to put her lips on the blondes. It was quite gentle and reassuring. They pulled away smiling.
Suddenly Danielle tensed as she saw a familiar face coming their way.
"Danielle?" She stopped and asked as she reached them.
"Ashley? Hi!" Danielle answered still visibly uncomfortable.
"Uhm Stefania.. this is Ashley. Remember when..." Danielle said but was very soon interrupted by Stefania "oh. Damn" Stefania giggled.
"Well hi Stefania. Now I kinda wanna know what she told you" Ashley laughed as well.
"And I'm glad to see you happy Danielle, really. I'm sorry for being such an ass back in highschool." She said sincerely.
"Well.. I kinda get it, you know. And it still took me a long time to be okay with who I am" Danielle smiled at Stefania.
"Like I said, glad to see you so happy. I really thought you were gonna stay in the closet forever and get married to some weird dude and have a few kids and all that. By the way aren't you on some ABC show now?" Ashley asked curiously.
"Yep. Station 19, it's a Grey's anatomy spin-off. And that's where I met Stefania actually. Anyways how are you doing?" Danielle was now a lot more comfortable with the whole situation.
"Uhm.. I'm married" Ashley proudly put up her hand to show the ring. "And she's the best person ever, no offense. And we have 3 amazing daughters." Ashley smiled.
"Aww that's amazing." Stefania answered and Danielle just nodded.
"I really don't wanna be that bitch but we kinda have plans... " she then said.
"Yeah no of course. I have to get going too but could I give you my number? I feel like there's so much we still kinda need to talk about..." Ashley answered.
"Yeah.... Here you go" Danielle handed over her phone after unlocking it. Ashley typed in her number.
"Well it was good meeting you two. Stefania, you're really lucky, Danielle's amazing. And I hope to see you again sometime soon"she said.
"Yeah. I know, she's amazing. And I don't know for how long we're staying exactly but I'm sure we'll figure something out. See you" Stefania answered.
"Bye"Danielle and Ashley said almost at the same time.
After that they all went their ways and Ashley turned around again just to see how her ex was actually out and proud now. She was happy she'd finally reached that place in her life.

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