part 15

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It was finally the 25th and everyone was woken up by Ally running downstairs screaming how excited she was.
Danielle groaned as she was very tired because of the long makeout session she had with her girlfriend the previous night. Her girlfriend. That still felt crazy.
Stefania chuckled at her but agreed that it was way to early to get up. So they stayed in bed cuddled up for over an hour before anyone actually came to tell them that breakfast is ready. That person of course was Ally as well.
"Hi auntie Dani and Stef" she giggled as she entered the room.
"Hi sweetie. I heard you were very excited earlier. Did Santa deliver?" Danielle laughed as well.
"Oh come on, I'm not a baby anymore. I know Santa doesn't exist. But yesssss he delivered" Ally smiled brightly.
"Damn you grew up fast. Don't even believe in Santa anymore" Danielle joked. Stefania watched in awe. She loved the relationship Danielle had with her little niece.
"Uhm... Anyways dad sent me up here to tell you guys that breakfast is ready." Ally said.
"Okay. We'll be down in a few" Stefania now answered.
They both just put their hair up because it was messy and went downstairs as they were. They didn't care how sleepy they looked. They were just happy.
As soon as Stephanie saw her sister sit down at the table though she started giggling. Danielle kept asking what was going on but Stephanie just couldn't stop laughing. So instead she just pointed to a spot on her neck.
Danielle immediately touched hers in a nervous manner and Stefania turned to look what her girlfriend's sister meant. And there is was. A very visible hickey. Stefania now laughed too. Danielle on the other hand didn't find this funny at all. She was just glad Ally wasn't in the room so they didn't have to explain it to her. And how did neither of them notice before.
She quickly left the room to put her hair down and quickly brush through it. Hopefully hiding what they did last night. And luckily no one else noticed but she knew her sister was gonna tease her for a while.

After breakfast they went back upstairs. Danielle decided she was going to shower first but didn't even bother to lock the bathroom door. She trusted her girlfriend.
But contrary to what she thought, the door soon opened. Stefania entered the bathroom only in a robe and locked the door after her. Seconds later she'd dropped the robe.
"What are you doing?" Danielle asked nervously but at the same time she was really excited for what was about to happen.
Stefania opened the shower door and got in there with her girlfriend. She gently kissed her at first. It didn't take long for Danielle to give in and their kisses got more passionate. Stefania finally slid her tounge in her girlfriend's mouth which caused a moan from Danielle. She surprised herself with that. She definitely didn't think she was that desperate already. They'd only been dating for a few days.
Stefania carefully put her hands on her girlfriend's breasts, massaging them gently. She slowly went down her waist and to Danielle's sensitive spot. At this point Danielle's breathing was heavy but she smiled into their kisses. "Stefania baby" Danielle moaned. "Uh- huh? What bella?" Stefania answered with a smirk.
Danielle was already grinding against her girlfriend desperate for some contact. Stefania finally decided to redeem her girlfriend and put two fingers inside. Danielle almost screamed out a high pitch moan. Because of that Stefania started kissing her again, hoping to cover up the noise.Danielle loved every second of this and now had her hands on  Stefania's breasts as well which led to her getting even more turned on too. She moaned into Danielles mouth and put another finger insider her girlfriend.
"I'm so... cl-lose"Danielle whimpered and Stefania got even more motivated by that. Not to mention she was close as well.
Just seconds later they were both standing there desperately trying to hold on to the wall with their legs weak. "Merry Christmas" Stefania smiled as she leaned in for another kiss.
"I definitely didn't expect this to happen today.... Not while we're here at all" Danielle giggled.
"But thank you so much. You're amazing"
"Grazie, bella" Stefania smiled back.
They eventually got out of the sower and both got dressed. Stefania helped Danielle cover up the hickeys she'd caused earlier, constantly laughed.
"Stop it. You put them there" Danielle smiled.
"Si, but your sister was hilarious" Stefania answered. For that Danielle playfully pushed her girlfriend away a little.
Stefania was about to put on her jewelry when Danielle stopped her all of a sudden.
" I actually have something for you..." She pulled out a little nicely wrapped box and gave it to Stefania who looked surprised. She had a gift for Danielle too but admittedly sex was the main gift. On the other hand... She was sure Danielle wouldn't mind that at all.
She took the box and carefully opened it. In there was a necklace reading 'better together'. Stefania immediately had tears in her eyes and turned to Danielle.
"Bambina, I love it. It's perfect" she said and kissed her girlfriend. After that she put the necklace on, smiling. It was perfect.
"Well if we're already on it... I have a little something too" Stefania smiled. She pulled out a bigger box which was making quite some noise as well.
"What is that?" Danielle laughed.
"You'll see" Stefania answered.
Danielle carefully opened the box and was a little confused at first. There was a map of an island. She looked closer and saw it was Sicily. There were also several Italy related items in the box. She finally looked up at her girlfriend.
"Does this mean what I think it does?"she asked.
"Si, I wanna show you around Sicily. When this damn virus is over and all" Stefania smiled and Danielle pulled her in a tight hug.
"This is amazing. I don't think I've ever had such a good Christmas. I'm here with my family... And my girlfriend. I never..." She smiled.
"Si, bella. How about we go downstairs now see what everyone else is doing?" Stefania then asked.
"Okay" Danielle sighed.

Okay, I knew this update took forever but tbh I just didn't know what to write for a while and when I'm not inspired at all... I just don't wanna write complete shit.
Anyways, I'm back. I have a few ideas so we'll see how this goes😂

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